Part 2

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Kendall and Logan were able to get a spot on the course to watch Arizona race her heart out for her family and Kendall and Logan were able to set up their tent and the kids and the babies were able to watch their sister as she races as well cause she has been training really hard and as much as she could cause she wanted to be the best that she could cause she wanted to go all the way to state if she could

"Does everyone have their signs?" Logan asks as he was holding one of the babies right now cause they wanted to be held by papa and Logan was going to respect that as well cause they were really little and they wanted attention as well, so Logan was going to hold them to their content as well

All of the kids and even the little kids held up their signs as they were going to take their seat cause the race was going to be getting started here soon and they were going to be cheering on their sister as well cause she was going to be running her heart out as well for everything cause this was going to be just the beginning as well for her and if the other kids see her run they would want to run as well later on and then they will have their own team that they could enter as well

"Okay get comfortable the race will be starting" Logan tells them as he was going to set up some of the chairs that were going to be used to watch the race

The family started to get comfortable and many of them had their binoculars to see the race a little better and they could see their sister as she was running her race

"Okay it looks like the race is starting lets look for Arizona and cheer her on" Kendall says as he hears the famous take your mark

The kids were excited to see their sister race in her first cross country run in her life and see how she does as well cause she has been practicing for some time now and she has been timing herself to get the best time as well cause she wanted to do good her very first meet and of course Uncle James and Carlos was going to have water stations set up and the other kids have their water station set up on the course for their sister as well cause she needed to keep hydrated as she was running for her life as well cause she had to grab her water and continue to run as well cause she had to do the whole course

"Look at the runners go kids keep an eye out for your sister as she is running" Kendall says as he was seeing all of the runners run and they had to keep an eye out for Arizona as well as she was running like a mad woman

Logan was able to spot Arizona easy cause she had the go pro with her so they could watch the race that night cause the course was going to take her on different paths and she was going to see all of the scenery

"Go Z" Logan says as he sees her run past them cause the older kids were spaced out on the course to help their sister out with water cause they wanted to keep her hydrated as she was running cause she has been getting Charlie horses in her right leg from all of the running that sha has been doing as well and she has to walk it off as well

Arizona gives him a thumbs up as she went by her family as the family went towards the finish line to see her cross it and they knew she was going to put the speed on as well to get to where she wanted to be as well

"Okay let's head for the finish line" Kendall says as he was going to get the little kids ready cause they had to get reorganized as well cause Kendall and Logan wanted to have a photo finish of her first race and her getting her first medal as well too 

The kids were excited to see the their sister finish her first race ever and see how she does as well cause she has been training like crazy lately as well for her first race and they would not be happy if she did not do good but they had to understand it was her first race and she was going to get better in time as well and it was going to take time for her to get up to that level as well and she was going to be training even harder then ever as well to get to that level as well cause she wanted to be the best that she could be as well and go all the way to state when she hits middle school and high school as well cause she wanted to have a full ride to whatever college she was going to go to later on in life as well cause she wanted to make it big as well either doing physical therapy or teaching cause she wanted to do both so she was going to be a double major

(Finish line)

Kendall and Logan family were the first ones at the finish line and they were able to set up and Kendall was going to be running to the aid stations that the older kids set up along the way to help their sister out as she was running her race as well cause she wanted to be kept hydrated as much as possible as she was running and the water and her favorite flavor of Gatorade helped her as she was running cause she needed that steam to keep going and if she needed to walk parts of the race she was allowed to walk cause as she was training one day she passed out and Logan took her to the doctors and her heart was overwhelmed with the running so the doctor told her to take it easy with the running and she was going to let the school know about the heart problem that she has cause of her size and her doctor found out that she was starving herself as well to stay thin and she hated to get fat as well, so Logan was going to make sure she ate as well at every meal and he was going to make sure she ate everything that was placed in front of her as well, and she ate it, but she ended up throwing it all back up later so he gave her something else and he had her stay with him to make sure that she did not bring it back up again and if she did he was going to have her go to the hospital and they will make her eat and make sure she keeps it in her as well

"Okay you deserved a feast after that race" Kendall tells her as she comes over by her parents for some more water and a snack

Part 3 will come soon in the future when i'm off again I swear there will be a part 3

The little girl who went on tour and found her new family wattys 2023Where stories live. Discover now