News on the babies

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Logan was chilling with the babies cause they had just come back from their check-up and he was enjoying them right now cause the doctor was going to be in to tell Kendall and Logan what was wrong with the twins and what kind of health problems they will face later on in life and him and Kendall was going to need to help them with their health problems they will have and have them be normal as could be

"Hi my little cuties" Logan says as he was looking at them cause they were awake right now and looking at him cause they knew they were with papa or mommy right now and they were loving it right now

Logan loved them like he loves the others

"I think daddy is back with food for mommy" he says when he heard the others running after each other

The kids were haing a race to see who could beat who back to the room where papa was at with the others right now

"Hi kids we have to be quiet" Logan says cause the twins just went to sleep

The kids nodded as they were looking at him right now

"How are they?" Kendall asks as he brought food for Logan and the others as well cause some of the really little ones wanted to stay with him

"Good right now the doctor is going to be coming in to tell us the results of the testing they had done and what other health problems the girls will have down the road" Logan says as he was going to dig in cause he fed the twins a little bit so he was making sure they were taken care of

Soon the doctor came in and was going to tell Kendall and Logan what health problems the girls were going to face later on in life

(Much later)

Kendall and Logan were still processing the news about the twins cause they were really screwed up babies

"Kenny I still love them" Logan says as he was still holding Coco cause Malibu was rushed to the NICU

"I love them too Logie there are our babies and nothing will change that at all, and I want to have more babies with you my little Logie" Kendall says as he was going to hug Logan close to him

"Can we still have more babies?" Logan asks him

"Sure once these babies are older we can have more Logie" Kendall says as he kisses him

Soon the doctor comes in to tell Kendall and Logan the status of Coco and Malibu cause they had to go for their testing after they had their bonding time and getting to know their new members of the family as well

"Well both girls are going to be deaf, and  the one Malibu is going  to be blind in her one eye. The girls reflexes aren't that strong at all they are weak, so they are going to have muscle problems later on in life like crawling and walking for sure cause their muscles ain't strong enough at all right now, so maybe they will outgrow it" the doctor says to the men

"How are they otherwise?" Kendall asks cause he was really scared for the twins

"Their breathing and their heartbeat is not good right now we will get them stronger so they can go home" the doctor tells them   

"How are they eating?" Logan asks cause he fed them

"Their mouth reflexes are good for the time being" the doctor tells the couple

"Is there a chance the girls can die?" Kendall asks the doctor

"There is a small chance if they don't get the right nutrients from their feedings" the doctor tells them

"Can I can the pills to help them cause that might help them with the nutrients that they need" Logan asks the doctor

"I can look into that for you if you want to do that" the doctor tells them as he leaves the room

"Are you sure Logie?" Kendall asks him

"I am sure Kenny it will help them in the long run cause their old mom screwed up their life already I am not going to let that take them down at all it will help them get better and get stronger and I want that bond with them" Logan says as he was talking with Kendall cause they had a decision to make on the twins and Logan did not want to give up on them at all he wants to keep these babies alive as much as possible right now

"Okay if you are totally sure on this I will get on the wagon with you Logie and I will support you through this journey and who knows it might help the other ones down the road as  well cause this is what we need right now" Kendall says as the doctor comes back in with the news that Kendall and Logan were waiting on

Logan smiled at Kendall cause he was ready to do this

"Well Logan I am going to give you the pills to help the babies" the doctor says cause he was wracking his brain for a while if he wanted Logan to take the pills to help these babies cause he saw the mother after and his decision was made then for Logan to have the pills

Logan was grateful he was going to help the babies out cause they need the right nutrients to grow properly and build up their immune systems as well cause they are really weak right now so it was vital that he helped them cause they might reject the formula

The babies come home will be the next chapter my next day off like next week

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