Results of the blood work

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"Here little bear stay with Aunt Peta and Aunt Alexa while daddy is on stage doing sound check" Logan says once they return to the arena

"Okay daddy" Brielle says

"Brielle we are going to watch daddy do sound check" Peta tells her

Brielle was happy to see daddy sing and dance in front of her 

"Come on let's get a front row seat, so we can see daddy" Alexa says to the little girl who was very happy to see daddy all by herself before all of the fans got to see him that night

"Loges look" Kendall says when he sees Brielle and the girls come inside the arena to watch sound check

"Hi Brielle" Logan says as he waves to his daughter when he sees her from the stage

"Hi daddy" she says happily as she waves to him from where she was in the audience

Logan knew they had a special bond that could be broken at all, and he knew how to make that sound check special for her

"Let's sit right here, so we can see daddy" Peta says to Brielle when they find a good spot to watch the guys from

At the end of each song Logan blew her a kiss and she caught it, and she blew one right back

"Play" Brielle says after a while cause she was getting bored sitting still

"There are toys backstage that i have for her to play with, so you guys are more then happy to bring her backstage to play" Logan says from the stage

"Thanks Logan" Alexa says as she and Peta take the one year old backstage, so she could play with her toys and run while Logan was on stage doing what he should be doing at the moment

"Let's go play while daddy finishes his sound check for tonight show" Peta suggest to the little girl as they head to where her toys were at

Brielle played until she tuckered herself out

"The poor thing wore herself out" Alexa says when she sees the little girl sound asleep where she was

"I'm going to give her to Logan cause he knows where to put her" Peta says as she carries the little girl to the stage where Logan was rehearsing at

"She just fell asleep" Peta tells him

"Thanks Peta come here sweet girl" he says as he accpets his little girl from Peta

Logan placed Brielle in her pack and play to sleep for the time being, and it was safer, so she doesn't hurt herself while she sleeps

"Night little bear I love you" he says as he covers her up with her princess blanket that he covers her up with when she goes down for her naps

After he covered her up his phone rings

"Hello" he says when he answers his phone

"Logan this is the hospital calling with Brielle results from her blood work, and you have to bring her in, so we can clean her out cause we found drugs in her blood stream, so we need to get the drugs out of her system" the nurse tells him

"Sure I'll be right there" he says as he hangs up the phone

Logan grabs Brielle and heads back to the hospital with her

"Don't worry Brielle we are just heading back to the hospital to get you taken care of sweet girl" he says as he continues to head to the hospital which was close to the venue


Logan gets her admitted, so they could do the detoxification process on her

"I think your parents gave you drugs darling" he says as he holds her in his arms

Logan goes with her so she isn't scared of what was going to happen to her just in case she wakes up during the process

"First we are going to pump her stomach to empty it to see if anything is hiding in there" the nurse says to him

Logan nods as he looks at Brielle. He couldn't bare to look when they were doing the procedure

"Don't worry princess this is for your own good" he says as he hears the pump machine do its thing

The doctor was able to find some drugs in her stomach.

"What did they do to you Brielle?" Logan asks in horror when he sees what came from her stomach

"When she wakes we will do the blood detoxification process" the doctor says as he leaves the room to leave Logan be cause it was all too much for Logan to take at the moment, so Logan steps out to cry that his princess has to go through this at one years old


"Logan is everything okay?" James asks him when him and the other come to the hospital to see how he is doing

"No my little girl had to have her stomach pumped, and when she wakes up they are going to take all of her blood out of her" Logan says between sobs

James hugs him and soon Carlos and Kendall join in to make him feel better

"Kendall take Logan back to the venue or away from here before he has breakdown" Carlos tells him

Kendall does what he is told and takes Logan shopping for Brielle while James, Carlos, Alexa and Peta hangs back to be with Brielle while she has the bad blood taken out of her

"Hey Brielle" James says when he sees his other niece wake up

"Uncle tames" she says happily

"Hey munchkin" Carlos says to her

"Uncle Los" she says when the doctor comes in to take her to a different part of the hospital, so her blood could be taken out of her body

James and Carlos goes with Brielle cause she was scared out of her mind at the moment

"I want daddy" she says crying

"James we got to get Logan back here cause she wants him" Carlos says to him

James knew not to fight it, so Kendall brings Logan back to the hospital to be with his baby girl

"Hey Brielle" Logan says when he enters the room that she was in

"Daddy" she says to him

Logan holds Brielle and doesn't let her go at all

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