Tour rehearsal with 3 girls part 2

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"Logan we got to get started" James calls to him

"Okay James I'm coming I have to feed Scarlett though" Logan says as he carried Scarlett who was still eating her formula

"That's okay buddy we know you have to feed the baby" James says to him as Logan joins for dance rehearsal

Logan was able to do the footwork while he tended to Scarlett the whole entire time

"Good girl princess daddy going to burp you" he says as he keeps dancing as he puts the bottle down, so he could burp Scarlett

Once Scarlett was burped and changed Logan put her in her little swing, so she could snoozed

"Daddy is going to be right over there rehearsing" he says as he puts Scarlett in her swing, so she could sleep

Logan covers her up and then leaves to go back to the boys to work on the hand movements

"The twins are okay so far" Kendall says when he sees the twins playing with each other

"Yeah they are and Scarlett is sleeping" Logan says as he looks over at his girls who he loved more then life itself

"Scarlett is really cute" Carlos says to Logan

"I know she is that is why she is my baby girl" Logan says as they go back to dance with the hand movements now cause the tour was coming up


"Logan I think you need to change one of the twins" James says to him when he smells something stinky coming from that direction

"Thanks I will Ella, Ellie come on daddy is going to take a break and change your diaper" Logan calls to his girls as he heads over to the diaper to grab it, so he could change the girls then go back to rehearsing once again with the guys, so he could get ready for tour

"We no stinky dada" the twins says to him

"Your uncles tell me otherwise though, so I am going to check to see who is stinky and who isn't stinky" he says as he takes the twins out to the van, so they could be changed and have new diaper on

"Okay Ellie you are going to go first getting your diaper changed" he says as he lifts her up and lays her on the blanket, so she could be changed

Ellie was being a silly girl that diaper changed she didn't let daddy change her

"Ellie you are making this difficult" he says as he tries to keep her still, so he could change her diaper to see if she had a stinky

Ellie kept giggling as he tried to change her diaper

"Ellie I am not playing games" he says as he starts to get a little angry when he tried to change her dirty diaper that she had

Soon he gave up and started to change Ella who was waiting patiently to have her diaper change

"Ella you have it all over you baby doll" he says as he starts to clean her up from the messy diaper

Logan say it was all over her back and on her belly, so he had no choice, but to take her home and give her a bath

"Ellie come on i have to take your sister home, so I can give her a bath and I will give you a bath too cause I have a feeling you have it all over you too" he says when he sees her covered in it

Logan puts a plastic bag on the girls car seats, so he could take them home to give them a bath, so they could feel better

"This ought to be good" he says as he starts to head home with the messy girls to give them a bath, so they could feel better

Logan tells the guys that he was heading home to give the girls a bath cause they were quite messy at the moment


"Okay you girls are changed and bathed once again, so I want you girls to lay down as soon as we get back to rehearsal, so I can continue rehearsing with your uncles to get ready for tour" Logan says as he continues to head back to rehearsal with the girls that were clean as a whistle and fresh as a daisy

"Okay daddy" the twins say to him as they continue to head to where daddy was rehearsing at with their uncles

"That's my girls" he says as he continues to drive back to rehearsal


"Okay girls play quietly while daddy is busy rehearsing" he says as he parks where he was parked before when he came with the girls

"Okay daddy" the girls say to him

"Logan you are just in time cause it is time for costumes" James says to him when he comes in with the twins who was freaks and clean once again how they should be

"Thanks and then what are we doing next?" Logan asks them

"We are going to break for lunch a little bit, so we can get some food in our systems" Carlos says to Logan

"Sounds perfect to me cause I am starved and I am pretty sure the twins are hungry too" Logan says to them as they started doing fittings to get ready for tour

As Logan was being fitted Scarlett cried out for daddy cause she was hungry and she wanted some food in her system

"Okay Scarlett daddy is going to feed you soon as soon as he is done here I promise lady bug" he says as he continues to be fitted for the costumes that he is going to wear on tour with the band

"Logan I got her since I am done with my fitting" Kendall says to him

"Thanks Kendall" Logan says to him as he continues to be fitted for the cstumes

Kendall talks to Scarlett as he was making her bottle, so she could eat

"It's okay Scarlett Uncle Kendall is going ot feed you" Kendall says to her as he makes the bottle for her

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