Logan talks to his parents and prepping for tour

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Logan decided to call his parents after he got done with the girls swim class that night to see if they could come on tour with him since the band was going to go back on tour once again, and he couldn't be a dad and a performer at the same time when they were on tour

"Hey Logan is everything okay?" his mom asks when she sees who was calling them that late at night

"No mom not everything is okay. Erin broke up with me, and things get worse" he says as he heads back to his house after the girls swim class that night

"Why did you call me?" His mom asks him

"The reason why i called you and dad is I have three girls that I won't be able to watch much while on this tour. I was wondering if you and dad might want to watch them for me while I'm performing at night?" Logan asks his mom

"How old are they?" His mom asks him

"I got the twins that are a year and a half and the baby that will be two months old soon, and it will be hard for me to juggle them and perform with the guys" he says to his mom as he continues to head home with the girls after they had fun swimming that night

"Ah can you Skype me when you get home, so i can see the girls?" his mom asks him

"Sure I can mom cause it is hard to skype with you and drive at the same time"  he says with a chuckle as he continues to talk to his mom


"Dear wake up Logan wants to talk to us" his mom says as sge wakes his dad up from his slumber that night

"What for?" his dad asks as he goes back to sleep

"We might be going on tour with him this time, and you are going to miss your grandchildren" his mom says as she gets up to turn on the computer so they culd talk to Logan and meet their grandkids

Logan's mom waited for Logan to come on to talk to him

"Sorry mom i had to get the girls ready for bed, and I have to feed the baby" Logan says as he turns on Skype

"That's okay Logie" his mom says to him

Ellie and Ella heard that they let out a giggle

"Are those my granddaughters?" his mom asks him

"Yes mom, dad I want you to meet Brielle, Briella, and Scarlett your granddauhters" Logan says as he introduces the girls to his parents

"Logan the little girls are gorgeous" his mom says to him when she saw the goirls for the first time

"Thanks mom" Logan says as he feeds Scarlett her bottle

"Son how are you doing all this?" his dad asks him

"It's a juggling game right now dad, so I am playing it by ear" Logan says as he continues to feed Scarlett

"What are you going to do when rehearsals start up again?" his mom asks him

"I don't know right now mom I might get a nanny to help watch them while I am rehearsing cause the girls are going to get in the way a lot with Ellie and Ella" he says as he keeps an eye on the girls that were running around at the moment

"I hope you figure out something soon Logie cause I hate to see you go through this yourself" his mom says to him

"I will mom are you guys coming on tour with me to watch the girls?" he asks them as he continues to watch the girls who were curtainly playing chase in the house before bed that night

"Count us in son we would love to come on tour with you and they guys, and spend some time with our granddaughters" his dad says as he starts seeing when he can take his vacation to go on tour with the guys of big time rush

"We will be there for sure honey we love you and the girls with all our hearts" his mom says to him as they continue to talk to Logan and get to know the girls a little bit more before they went to bed that night

"Okay I'll send you guys the details of when the tour starts and what city the tour going to start in, so you guys can meet up with us" Logan says as he sets the bottle down, so he could burp little Scarlett

"Ah Scarlett is really cute" his mom says when she sees Scarlet in front of the camers

"Thanks mom she is really cute" Logan says as he continues to burp Scarlett after she was done with her bottle that night

"Kepp those girls safe son" his dad says to him

"I will dad I have been keeping these girls safe cause they are from a broken home where their parents did drugs" Logan says as Scarlett wanted to have some more formula cause she was still hungry

"Logan you better go to bed cause you have tour rehearsal in the morning" his mom says to him

"I will mom I got to get the girls to bed" Logan says as he turns off Skype and goes to bed

(Next day)

Logan gets up out of bed slowly cause he was still sleepy still cause Scarlett isn't sleeping through the night yet on her own, and he wanted to go back to sleep

"Five more minutes please" he says as he hits the alarm on his clock

Logan was able to get some some more sleep cause Scarlett wanted to be up after her last feeding cause the girls weren't up yet, and he was able to get some zzzz's cause this single parenting thing was taking it's toll on him


"Dada" the twins call from the nursery where they were standing up in their cribs at the moment

"Okay girls I am coming" he says as he slowly gets back up and goes gets the twins up

Logan eyes bugged out when he saw what time it was

"Girls we are going to eat breakfast cause daddy has to be at rehearsal soon" he says as he goes to the nursery to get them, so they could head to rehearsal

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