Briella's twin sister and baby sister

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Briella was loving her new mommy a lot cause they did a lot of girl things without daddy which Logan loved, and he was glad to see his little princess happy for once in her life. he was hoping he was going to hear something soon about Briella sister, and that he could adopt her, so both her and Briella was safe and sound with their new family

"Did you hear anything yet Logie?" Erin asks him

"No nothing yet I'm getting really worried with it being so close to Christmas I won't be able to deliver on Briella's other request that she wants" he says as they watch Briella play on the playground

"We will hear something soon. Right now we can enjoy Briella cause she is a real sweetie" Erin says as she leans on Logan

"Yeah I love Briella more then ever" he says a they continue to watch her play

They stood at the park for a couple more minutes before going home cause it was Briella's nap time

"Briella sweetie it's time to go home we have been here long enough" Erin calls to the little girl who was enjoying her self at the moment

Briella toddles to mommy

"Come here little booger" Logan says as he places Briella in her stroller, so they could go home and put her down for her nap

Briella was quite the talker and Logan and Erin couldn't get enough of their little princess cause she was spoiled by their love that they had for her

"Will she grow-up in the spotlight or will we hide her from that?" Erin asks Logan

"Right now I don't know we might raise her in and out of the spotlight for now, and later down the road she can decide whether to be in the spotlight or not like we are" he says as they walk arm in arm home

"Will we have one of our own?" Erin asks him

"Maybe" he says as they kiss

Briella was fast asleep when they got home

"I'm going to put her to bed" Logan says when they got in the door

"That's fine and later me and you can out to the hot tub, and get some practice in while she sleeps" Erin says as she heads to the master bedroom

"That sounds divine" he says as he goes to Briella's nursery

Logan lays Briella down and covers her up, and tucks her in for her nap

"Night Briella i love you" he says as he gives her a kiss

Briella was quite the sleeper when she goes down for her nap

(Hot tub)

"Here i brought you something" he says as he brings Erin a drink

"Thanks babe" she says as she accepts the drink from him

Logan puts his phone close by just in case he hears about Briella sister

"Tonight can we go to the beach?" Erin asks him

"That sounds like a great idea I have been meaning to take her to the beach, and I haven't gotten around to it yet" he says as he looks at Erin

"Okay I'll pack us a picnic and we can go when she wakes up from her nap" Erin tells him

"Plus I can't wait to see how she likes the water" he says with a chuckle

"Me either I can't wait to see her reaction when she steps into the water for the first time" Erin says as she cuddles closer to Logan

Logan and Erin stood in the hot tub for thirty minutes before getting out, so Erin could start on the picnic that they were going to take with them to the beach. Logan decided to go for a motorcycle ride to clear his mind a little bit before he took Erin and Briella to the beach. Plus he needed to get Briella her swimsuit to wear to the beach

(Later on the beach)

Logan, Erin and Briella were dressed for the beach

"Briella do you want to go in the water while mommy gets our picnic ready?" he asks her

"Ya" Briella says happily

"Hold daddy hand cause the beach is crowded" he says as they go towards the water

Once Briella was in the water she loved it

"Do you love the water Briella?" he asks her

"Ya daddy" she says as she goes farther into the water

"That's a no-no Briella stay close to shore with daddy" he says as he pulls her back, so she doesn't go under water by the current

Logan decided to take her back to the shore and build a sandcastle with her while Erin was still working on their picnic. After several attempts of trying to build a sandcastle it was time for picnic

"Logan, Briella dinner" Erin calls to them

During their picnic Logan's phone rings, and there was good news on the other end of it

"Thank you very much thanks for letting us know" he says as he hangs up

"Logie who was that?" Erin asks him

"They found Briella sister apparently Briella has a twin named Brielle, and her mom is in jail cause she got busted for drugs, so they want us to take the twin and the baby" he tells her

"Oh Logie I am so happy" Erin says as they kiss

"Briella we found your sister, and it looks like you have a baby sister that will be here for Christmas as well" he tells Briella who was eating her supper happily

Briella was happy that her sister was going to be joining her for Christmas

"When do we get the girls Logie?" Erin asks him

"Soon Erin we get the other girls really soon" he says to her as he holds Briella who was very happy that her sister was found

"How soon Logan?" Erin asks him

"The lady is going to be calling me when we can get Brielle, and bring her home to us" he says to her

"Can you ask her to send a picture of what Brielle looks like?" Erin asks him

"Hang on I'm going to do that now cause i want some more information on both girls" he says as he calls the lady back

Erin was excited that she was going to have three girls. Logan was more excited cause he was going to have two more daddy girl's

"The lady said we can get Brielle the day after tomorrow cause she is in California cause that's where the mother is as well" he tells her

"I want to get her now Logan can we come for her now?" Erin asks him

"Let me see I'm excited as you are Erin" he says as he calls the lady back to see if they could get Brielle that night

They were in luck they could get Brielle that night cause Brielle was calling out for her sister

"Looks like we are going home and going to get our other little girl" he says after he hangs up the phone

Logan and Erin packs up the picnic things as well as what they brought to the beach for Briella. During the chaos the lady says that she will meet Logan and Erin halfway with the little girl, and that was fine with Logan and Erin

(Logan's place)

"I'll change Briella while you go change, and I'll put Briella into her playpen to play while I change" he tells her

"Sounds like a plan" Erin says as she goes to the master to go change out of her swimsuit, so her and Logan could go get Brielle and bring her to her new home

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The little girl who went on tour and found her new family wattys 2023Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz