Morning after

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Kendall and Logan bus was really quiet cause all three of them were still sleeping like little lambs

"Night Bri" Kendall says as he wakes up to make breakfast for the three of them

Logan gets up after Kendall

"Morning Loges I take it was a rough night?" Kendall asks him

"Yeah it was she woke up twice once for her belly and another time due to the thunder that she heard" Logan says as he makes himself coffee to drink

"The poor thing I hope the rest of the adjustment goes well for her" Kendall says as he makes breakfast

"Me too" Logan says as he sits down with his coffee

Pretty soon Brielle wakes up

"Morning princess" Logan says when he sees the little girl appear

She waves to him

"While papa makes breakfast how about I get you dressed?" Logan asks her

She nods and goes back to the bunk area, so daddy could get her dressed

"Daddy are we going trick or treating?" She asks him

Logan hadn't thought that far ahead

"Yes sweetie maybe today I can get you a costume and at our next stop or something we can go trick or treating" he says as he picks out an outfit for her to wear that day

Logan puts her in another cute outfit and puts her slippers on her feet

"There we go let's go see papa" he says as they go back to the kitchen area

Logan puts her in her booster seat and begins feeding her breakfast that Kendall made her

"Is breakfast good Brielle?" Kendall asks her

She nods happily as Logan continues to feed her. After breakfast Logan and her play a little bit while they wait on Kendall to get ready, so they could head to their destination that morning

"Logan go get dress and get her diaper bag ready I got her" Kendall tells him

Logan gets dress really fast and packs Brielle diaper bag with everything that they needed for that day

"Loges before we go you better change Brielle" Kendall tells him

"I'll change her outside" Logan says as he grabs a clean diaper and the wipes

Logan lays her down and changes her

"Don't worry daddy going take care of you" he says as he changes her messy diaper that she had

Once she was changed she was a happy girl once again

"Logan she looks a little small for her height" Kendall tells him as he puts Brielle in her stroller

"Yeah she does, but I'm sure that isn't a problem" Logan says as they over to the other tour bus to see about the other two to see if they were ready to go to their morning gig that they had

James and Carlos was up, so they headed over to the local news station with Brielle in her stroller

"Logan shouldn't you get her checked out?" James asks him

"Yeah I probably will since we have a break before we do sound check and everything" Logan says as he puts Brielle in the limo with the other guys

(News station)

"We thought there was going to be only four of you not five" one of the worker says when the band enters th studio with Brielle

"There are only four of us we just picked up this little cutie from the previous town" James says as Logan picks up Brielle from her stroller

"Okay whatever you guys are on in thirty, so I'll show you to the dressing room" the worker tells them

All of the boys played with Brielle who wasn't in the mood to play at the moment

"Brielle are you scared?" he asks her

She nods as she cuddles close to him

"It's okay we can play when we get back to the bus cause that is more familiar terriority for you" he says as he holds her close

"I hate to say it Logan being a dad looks good on you" Carlos says when he sees how Brielle is attached to him

"I know last night it hit me when we got done performing that I'm going to be this little girl daddy for the rest of my life" Logan says as he looks down at Brielle who was starting to fall asleep on his chest

"Was last night a little rough?" James asks him

'Yeah she woke up three times. The first time she was hungry, so we ate supper together as a family. After dinner we watched Blue Clue's until it was over. The second time her belly hurt her, so i rubbed it and talked to her to get her to calm down, and soon she fell back asleep just fine. The last time she woke up she heard thunder outside of the bus. We went to the front of the bus, so i could change her, and after i changed her she went straight for her bunk to go to sleep on her own without a problem" Logan says as he strokes Brielle hair gently

Soon it was time for the band to go on and make an appearance on the local news. During the interview Logan held Brielle who was sleeping on him, and explained how Brielle landed in his care

"I hope they catch her parents" the reporter says to them

"We hope so too" Kendall says as he covers Brielle, so she wouldn't get cold

The band did some more interviews before heading back to the tour bus to chill before soundcheck


"Bye guys I'm going to get Brielle checked out to make sure she is okay" Logan says in a whisper

"Bye Logan keep us updated on her condition we hate to have anything happen to our littlest rusher" James says as he gives Brielle a kiss on her little forehead

"I will cause you and Carlos are her Uncles" Logan says as he leaves the venue again with Brielle in her stroller

Logan decides to walk to the nearest hospital to get Brielle checked out. The whole time Brielle slept like a little lamb, and didn't wake at all which Logan was grateful for

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The little girl who went on tour and found her new family wattys 2023Where stories live. Discover now