Heading back to the bus

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"Ella I can't believe you did that" Logan says as he carries her back to the limo after their interview that they had

"Sorry dada" she says to him

"When we get back to the bus you are going in time out for sure" he says as the limo heads to the venue where Ellie and Scarlett were waiting for daddy to come back to see them cause they missed daddy and wanted him to hold them in his arms again

"Logan give her a break for goodness gracious she is only a year old" James says to him as the limo arrives at the venue

"James if i don't discipline her now she is going to get into a lot of trouble later down the road" Logan says as he gets out of the limo with Ella who was clearly upset at the moment cause she did not want to go into time-out she wanted to play with her sister on the bus and be a good girl for daddy

"Makes sense" Carlos says to him as he gets out to go back to Alexa to see how she and their little one was doing at the moment

"I am going to see Peta" James says as he heads over to same tour bus

Kendall gets out to head to the tour bus that him and Logan shared

"Logan I thought you will be the bus now" Kendall says to his friend

"I thought so too, but the door is still locked, so I am trying to access the code to get into it" Logan says as little angry as he tries to figure out the code since the door is child proof

"State your name and business" the nanny says as she locks the door after she heard the door unlock

"Logan and Kendall and we would like to come back onto the bus" Logan says to the nanny

"Last names please" the nanny says to the gentlemen

"Logan Henderson and Kendall Schmidt" Kendall says to the nanny hoping that leaves them onto the bus, so they could get back to their girls

"Come in then" the nanny says since Ellie was calling for dada cause she knew dada was outside of the bus

"Dada" Ellie says as she falls into Logan's arms

"Hi Ellie girl" he says as he picks her up since the nanny took Ella to get a new diaper on and get her fed since the others ate

"Pway?" Ellie asks him

"Yes princess we can play with your toys" Logan says as Ellie has him go over to the toy area that was set up on the bus

Kendall heard his little one cry out for him

"Ellie where is Scarlett at?" Logan asks her as they sat down to play with her toys

Ellie leads Logan to where Scarlett was

"Hey Scarlett" Logan says as he picks up the little baby that was cooing up a storm

Logan takes her to his bed and swaddles her

"Daddy is right here with you love bug" he says as he swaddles her in her blanket, so she doesn't have the feeling of falling out

Once Logan had her swaddled he took her out, so they could bond with Ellie since Ella was being difficult right now for the nanny, and the nanny was not going to put up with it

"Scar" Ellie says when she saw her baby sister

"Yes this is Scarlett your baby sister" he says as he sits down with the baby in his arms, and play with Ellie who wanted some attention that day since her sister went with daddy to the interviews that morning that he had to do with their Uncles

"Scar pway?" Ellie asks him

"Scarlett can't play with your toys, but she has her own little toys to play with right now. When she is older she will be able to play with your toys" he says as he plays with both of the girls that wanted to play with him that afternoon

After they played it was time for sound check

"Ellie can you be a good girl for daddy and take your nap. While he does sound check for his show" Logan asks as he gets the sling on cause he was taking Scarlett out with him cause Scarlett started to get fussy a little bit ago and she howled at the nanny that was taking care of her. She wasn't sleepy or hungry that moment. All Scarlett wanted was daddy to be with her

Ellie nods

"That's my girl" Logan says as he kisses Ellie's forehead as he git ready to leave to head out to the stage for soundcheck that afternoon

"James I take it your little girl wanted daddy?" Logan asks him

"Yeah she did and I would not trade this for anything right now to have my little girl in my arms right this very second as i head to soundcheck" James says as he looks at his little angel who settled down and went to sleep on her own without

"I know the feeling I love to hold little Scarlett in my arms and when I hear her coo up at me I melt" Logan says as he waits for Kendall to come cause he was bringing his baby girl who he loves most of all and he was going to make sure he was a proud daddy on that stage that night for his daughter who was not very old at all, but he wanted her to be proud of him

"Hey Carlos are you bringing your daughter too?" James asks him when Carlos arrives with his daughter who he loved more then anything as well

"Yeah the poor thing had a really bad nightmare, and she wanted me to make it better for her" Carlos says as they head to the stage with three babies and one little girl who was not happy at all cause she had a nightmare

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The little girl who went on tour and found her new family wattys 2023Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora