The little girl who went on tour and found her new family

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Briella was fourteen months old and was on her own cause her mommy and daddy were too much of drug addicts, and they kicked her out of their lives

"I might as well find my new mommy and daddy" she says to herself when her parents dropped her off at one of the arena's in town

Brielle saw a bunch of people at the arena, so she got in line and waited her turn to see why everyone was there

"Hi sweetie what's your name?" Kendall asks as he picks the little girl up when she got up to the front of the line

"Brielle" the little girl says to him

"Is your mommy and daddy here?" Logan asks her

Brielle shakes her head no and starts to cry

"Here give her to me Kendall" Logan tells him

Kendall hands Brielle over to Logan

"Come here little one" Logan says as he takes Brielle away from the crazy fans

Brielle was clingy onto Logan for dear life

"It's okay Brielle you're safe with me and the guys" he says when he sits down with her

"Really?" she asks him

"Really Brielle and we can even take care of you cause you can't take care of yourself yet How old are you?" he asks her

Brielle holds up one finger

"You are only one?" Logan says shocked when he sees how old Brielle was

She nods with tears in her eyes

"Sorry I'm just blown away that your mommy and daddy got rid of you when you are such a young age" he says as he rubs her back trying to get her to calm down

"Will you love me?" she asks looking up at him

"Of course me and Kendall will be your new daddy's. Are you okay with two daddy's?" he asks her

She nods once again

"Okay come on we'll do a proper meet and greet with the guys since all those older girls wanted to make you don't feel that tall" he says as he takes her to the back of the line

Brielle holds onto Logan's hand really tight cause she was really scared of the bigger girls

"After the meet and greet we'll go shopping for some supplies cause i take it you're hungry, and you probably need a new diaper" he says looking down at her

She nods as she looks up at him

Brielle was a cute little one year old with light brown hairo and blue eyes

"Up Logan" she says to him

"Okay princess I'll pick you up" he says as he picks her up to hold her in his arms

"Are you sleepy sweetie?" he asks her

She nods

"Okay after we meet the guys I'll put you down for a little snooze" he tells her

Brielle didn't want to be put down at all, and Logan was okay with that

"We're going to be next Brielle" he tells her

"Hey sweetie" Kendall says when he sees Brielle who was hooked on Logan

"She is really quite adorable" Carlos say when he sees Brielle

"I'm going to take her shopping for some clothes, bottles, paci and anything else" Logan tells the guys

"Okay Logan we can hold down the fort while you're gone" James tells him

"Come on baby girl let's go shopping for some items that you need right now until the tour is over" Logan says as he leaves with her


"There we go you are in the stroller, so i can keep my eye on you, we got some cute clothes for you to wear until we go back to California, got you a booster seat to sit on when your on the bus, got you some toys to play with, so you are occupied during meet and greets and on the bus, got you some stuffed animals to hug as well as a blanket just in case you want blankie to drag around, and some bottles and food for you to eat" he says after they came back from their shopping adventure

Brielle was holding one of her stuffed animals cause she was really scared

"Hi Brielle" Kendall says as he approaches Logan who was putting everything that he bought on the bus

Brielle just waves

"Right now Kendall she is a little scared" Logan says as he contines to bring everything on the bus that he bought

"I understand completely" Kendall says as he helps Logan with everything that he bought for Brielle

Once everything was put away on the bunks Logan made Brielle a bottle cause she was hungry and needed fed

"Here we go baby girl" he says as he gives her the full bottle as he holds her

Brielle starts to drink it

"You must be hungry sweet pea" he says when he sees her down the bottle

After Brielle ate Logan decided to give her a bath, so she was cleaned, and put a new diaper on her to make her feel better

"There we go you are all clean princess" he tells her after he puts her in her jammies

"Thank you daddy" she says as she reaches up to him

Logan was touched that she called him daddy after he gave her a bath that evening

"Daddy I'm sleepy can you hold me?" She asks him

"Sure I can princess" he says as he takes her to the back of the bus to hold her until she fell asleep on her own

"Brielle did you snooze anytime today?" He asks her

She shakes her head no

"If you fall asleep that's fine baby doll" he says as he sits down with her until she fell asleep on her own

"Logan we have to get ready" Kendall tells him

"Kendall I will right now I have Brielle with me, and she is really comfortable on me I'm not going to have her move" Logan tells him

"Here I'll hold her" Kendall says to Logan

Logan hand Brielle to Kendall

"Sweetie it's okay daddy will be back he has to get changed and get ready to perform" Kendall says when she starts to whimper

Brielle wasn't going to take it she wanted daddy back

"Here sweetie I'll take you on stage with me" Logan tells her as he takes her back from Kendall

Brielle lays her head on Logan's shoulder as he headed towards the stage

"Hi Brielle" James says when he sees her with Logan

Brielle hides cause there were a lot of people in room with her daddy's

"I'll turn down the music, so she isn't scared" Carlos says to Logan

"Is that better princess?" Logan asks looking down at Brielle who was whimpering

She nods

"I'm just going to sit with her during the show, and maybe during Worldwide she'll fall asleep" Logan says as he rocks Brielle side to side to get her to calm down

"That sounds like a plan Loges" Kendall says as he strokes Brielle's hair

"Well Kendall it looks like we're dads' Logan says to him

"Yes we are and i can't picture being a dad with anyone but you" Kendall says to him

"Me either" Logan says to Kendall as they head out on stage

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The little girl who went on tour and found her new family wattys 2023Where stories live. Discover now