The girls birthday part 2

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"Come on girls it's time to celebrate your birthday with the fans" Logan says to the girls who were having fun riding their bikes backstage with their dolls in their baskets

The twins were excited as they headed out with daddy to celebrate their birthday still on their bikes cause they loved them a lot

"Girls I want you guys to sit in your chairs, so you guys don't get hurt when we are on stage performing for the fans tonight cause daddy is going to be doing his flips on stage tonight" Logan tells the girls as he guides them to park their bikes somewhere, so when they got a break the girls could ride their bikes again backstage, and they could go to sleep that night

"Okay daddy" the twins say to him as they get off and head for their chairs that were on stage for them for their party that night

"That's my girls" he says as he walks with them to the stage that night, so they could celebrate their second birthday with daddy and their fans cause it was a big deal for them

"Hello everyone" James says to the crowd as he came out on stage to greet the fans that night for the concert

The fans cheered at them

"You guys are here on a special night tonight" Carlos says to the crowd

"Yes cause Ellie and Ella are turning two" Logan says as he looks down at his girls who were scared cause of the fans being so loud that night

"On three we are going to wish each of the twins a happy birthday" Kendall says to the fans

"Happy birthday Ellie" the fans say to her when Kendall and the others were by her

"Tank you" Ellie says as she stays close to daddy

"Happy birthday Ella" the fans say to the other little girl that was by daddy

"Tank you" Ella says to the crowd

"Okay the girls are going to be appearing off and on during the concert as well as little Scarlett who is backstage in her little playpen playing right now" Logan says as he takes the twins off stage to sit in their chairs, so he could perform for the fans

All of the fans wave bye to the girls as they disappear backstage to sit down on their seats while daddy was on stage doing his thing

"Okay girls i need you guys to be good for a few songs then I will come back to get you guys, so we can have a party on stage with the fans later on" he says as he has the girls sit at their little table that he had backstage, so if the girls needed him they didn't have to go far to get them or if he was busy the girls could go on stage to see daddy

Ellie goes back out to see something cause something caught her eye

"Ellie where are you going pretty girl?" he asks as he goes after her since Ella went to be with Scarlett

Ellie goes down the stairs to an almost toddler that was by the stairs to the stage

"Ellie" he says when he sees her

Logan sees the little one that was scared and almost ready to cry

"Oh little one it's okay is mommy or daddy here with you or big sister or brother?" he asks as he pick her up to hold her in his arms

Soon a girl who looks no more then four coming to them

"Hey sweetie is your guys mommy or daddy here with you guys?" he asks her

"No we have been here for a while" the little girl says to him

"Ellie you may go back on stage" he says as he brings the two girls on stage with him

Ellie goes backstage to be with her sister

"Girls I am going to have you backstage for a little bit while I'm performing" he says as he has them go backstage to be with the others

The four year old was okay with that cause she was going to be protected and with her sister

"Sweetie I'll be back I promise" he says to the baby that he had in his arms that was crying

"Here i can take her" the four year old says to him

"Thanks and I promise you guys can come on stage, and if any of your family sees you they can come and get you" he says as he head on stage quickly


"Okay Ellie, Ella ready for your party?" he asks as he comes back to get them for the party

The girls were excited for that a lot

"You guys can come out too" he says to the four year old who was with her sister

The four year old comes out with him, but stay close by

"Okay everyone now is the fun part of the concert and that is Ellie's and Ella's party" Carlos says tot he fans

The fans were excited for that part of the concert of course

"Plus if anyone has lost two beautiful girls they are on stage with us" Logan says to the crowd as he held the little one in his arms cause she was really scared

The fans went quiet, so if if anyone who had lost them could come forward to get the girls, and when the four year old didn't see anyone she started to cry

"Oh princess it's okay I am sure the twins will be okay with sharing a toy with you" Logan says when the presents were brought on stage

Ellie goes over gets a toy from the pile and gives it to the girl to make her feel better

"Thank you" the girl says to Ellie

"Do you have a name sweetie?" he asks her

"Esme and my sister is named Marcie" Esme says to him

"Well Esme welcome to the Henderson family" Logan says as he hugs her close as Kendall opens the doll that Ellie gave her

Some of the fans got gifts for Scarlett and Kendall brought her out, so she could be included on her sisters birthday celebration

"Hey Scarlett you get some presents sweetie" Logan says as he takes the baby from Kendall, so he could have her open some presents too

(Much later)

"Okay time for the girls to blow their candles out" James says as him and Carlos bring out the cakes that he had picked up earlier that day

"We are going to sing to the girls individually, so they feel special on their special day" Logan says as the girls stand up, so they could blow out their candles on their cake that Uncle James had gotten for them

"Okay Ellie and Ella who is the oldest?" he asks them

Ella raise her hand cause she was the oldest of the twins

"Let me check to make sure" Logan says as he goes and get the birth certificates that he keeps on stage at all times just in case they argue who is the oldest

"Ellie you are the oldest by twenty minutes" he says to her when he sees the birth announcement that had the name Brielle Nola Henderson on it cause

Ellie was quite happy about that

"Briella you are the youngest and the smallest" he says as he looks at her cause she was smaller then her sister

Ella was happy about that cause that what makes her different from her sister

"First Happy birthday is going to be to Ellie then we are going to Ella" he says as he goes and stands by the girls as the fans sang happy birthday to them

The girls had a great birthday

V & C

The little girl who went on tour and found her new family wattys 2023Where stories live. Discover now