Esme & Marcie get settled

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"Esme you can ride in the front with me and Marcie you have to lay on the floor in the car cause I don't have a car seat for you just yet love bug, but i will soon cause i am going to get a bigger vehicle for all of you" he says as he gets everything gathered up so they could head out to his car cause it was getting late and it was getting close to the girls bedtime too, and they might be hungry 

Esme was happy about riding in the front with daddy Logan and Marcie wasn't okay cause she wanted to be close to daddy

"Marcie you can sleep with me tonight cause I have to work on your room as well as your sister room so you girls have a place to sleep" he says as he heads to get the luggage that he had taken with him with the girls

The twins each got their suitcase when they saw them

"Thank you girls you girls are a big help" he says as the girls each had their two suitcases as well as their carry-on backpack that had everything that they had when they went on tour

The girls smiled really big for daddy and Logan loved it

"Okay girls stay together" he says as he makes his way through the airport with his girls

Ellie and Ella stayed close with Marcie as they headed to the car so they could go home

"Would you girls like to have Marcie in your room?" he asks the girls as he headed to the car cause he wanted to go home cause Esme was hungry and needed food and get the twins fed

"Yes daddy" Ella says to him as she looks up at him as they were heading to the car

"Okay it is settled Marcie you are going to bunk with the twins and Esme you are going to get your own room" he says as they approach the car so they could go home

Esme was excited to get her own room when she got to Logan's place, and she helped get the little ones in the car while Logan loaded the luggage up in the car

"Thank you Esme you can pick where we eat tonight cause I am too tired to cook and we got to get your girls home and settled in" he says as he gets in with her to go home

Esme was excited to pick out where they were going to eat at that night

(Logan's house)

"Well Esme, Marcie here we are home sweet home" he says as they pull up to the house that him and the girls called home

Esme was amazed at how big it was

"Yes sweetie you get to live here now" he says as he gets the little ones out and get the baby since Esme had the food in her lap 

Logan got the girls situated as he brought the luggage and everything into the house for now, and he decided to join the girls at the supper

"Marcie I hope it's okay if you share a bed with one of the twins tonight then in the morning I can get you your own bed to sleep in" he says as he eats cause Scarlett was eating her meal that night

Marcie was okay with that for now

"I hope you don't mind wearing one of the girls jammies too" he says cause he hasn't been able to go shopping much for the girls, but he will one the girls are settled in their new lives

"Where will i sleep, and what will i wear?" Esme asks him

"Esme you can wear one of my old shirts and i think i might have a room that might work for your room, and tomorrow we can go shopping for your room" he says as he gets up to clear the table that night since all of the kids ate well after they came home from tour

Esme was okay with that as she continued to eat supper

"Okay Marcie, Ellie, Ella bath time" he says cause he kept some of the girls soap and clothes at the house cause they weren't be going through a growth spurt that fast after they came back from tour

The younger ones went with him to the bathroom for bath time that night

"Esme do you want a bath too?" he asks Esme

"I'll get my bath soon" Esme says as she finishes up the kitchen and gets the luggage to the laundry room

Logan was okay with that as he got the girls their bath's and got them ready for bed and probably tuck them in their beds for the night


"Okay Scarlett bath time for you" he says as he gets the baby that was playing on her blanket while he have the girls a bath that night and got them tucked in

Scarlett looked like she was going to crawl away from Logan, but Logan was quicker with her

"Not yet sweetie let daddy get the house baby proofed first before you can be mobile and crawl around the house for daddy" he says as he takes her for her bath that night


Logan got all of the younger ones in bed for the night when he heard the washer going already

"Esme" he says as he pops his head into where she was already doing laundry and in her clothes still from the concert and the flight 

"Oh hi" she says as she gets everything separated for the washer so all she had to do was load it up 

"Hi sweetie come on it's bedtime tomorrow is new day for you and your sister and you will start your life as a Henderson" he says as he sees what the washer was on cause it looked like he was already going to do some laundry that night cause he didn't see how much they have accumulated over the tour until now when Esme was doing the laundry 

Esme nods as she goes and gets her bath 

"Do you want to see the room that is going to be your room?" he asks her as he follows her 

She nods

"Okay right this way Esme to your new room" he says as he shows her the room that was going to be her room when it was all done after a while cause Logan loved his girls and he wouldn't trade it for anything right now cause he loved them with all his heart 

Esme was a little scared when she saw her room 

"I know it's scary but you can sleep with me tonight until we get your room done tomorrow and then daddy will have cam lights up that can be on as you sleep to make your room feel more homey for you" he says as he sees the lights that were in the room that weren't the best right now 

Esme really liked that that she could sleep with daddy that night since she didn't have a place to sleep right now   

"This is my room, and you can sleep with me on the bed or on the couch" he says as he gives her some opinions 

'Couch please" Esme says to him

Logan got the blankets and some extra pillows for her so she was comfy on the couch that night

"Here we go Esme all nice and comfy" he says as he tucks her in for the night  

"Thank you" she says to him

"Oh you are quite welcome" he says as he gives her a kiss before going to get ready for bed himself cause it was a long day for all of them  

V & C

The little girl who went on tour and found her new family wattys 2023Where stories live. Discover now