Welcome to America-Y/N part 2

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Your POV:
After a long minute drive from the airport I woke up in the car and we finally made it to Luka's apartment wow with the long road trips like this I was mostly tired and exhausted. from doing a school project for nursing class this year and I'm sups excited for that I hope I get an A. Then we went a few flights of stairs and started heading to his lovely penthouse he owned before he moved here then we both sat down and I see the toaster oven sitting there like what is going on in here. His mother asked if the house was tidy up and ready for her to come over and now I guess it looked all messed up and completely not cleaned. "Luka what did you do". I said i explained everything and started knowing it was not him to let the tool box in the kitchen without his help we all knew too I hope Kristaps could fix his toaster oven and hope it's okay for the better. We finally sat down in the lovely couch and started having a conversation with his mother which is actually pretty fun with him. Then we both went in the car and started heading through town with me and Luka in the front seat and his mom in the back though I could still understand her. After going around town we went back to the apartment which is his and started watching the princess bride and of course my fav Alexa and Katie in Netflix we all sat down and started eating a whole gram of granola bars and some parfaits left in his fridge full of healthy stuff he had in there.

Luka's POV:
After we watched a movie my mom goes to the guess room which is upstairs and gets unpacking for tonight since mama is gonna visit me for a week me And Y/N started looked through the window and see what has got me coming are you kidding me a inch of snow. I never knew it were expecting a snow storm tonight then Y/N brings her overnight bag just incase. I on the tv and started watch the news on the weather report yep still a chance of snow and it wouldn't stop. Then Y/N gets scared that everybody had to stay home and off the roads as possible for her she cried at me and then those fews seconds were in heaven I calmed her down and started hugging her which is pretty normal for her to do now that she could miss home "What's the matter Y/N why are you sad". I said I knew she could miss having time with her little sister I mean it she could still sleep with mom and since me and Kristaps has a game tomorrow instead we had to travel up to Chicago and be there on time for the game which means this day was mission impossible now that mom and Y/N got along. I hope I could meet her mom and Dad someday and also her sister which means she met me in the first day when I met her older sister Y/N and she is still cute by this day. Even though our relationship was starting get better.

Luka Dončić Imagines!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora