The Surgeon sequel - The Twins: Part 13

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Kade’s mother welcomes the newly liberated into the Cryogenic Centre, greeting them all personally as she knows each and everyone of them by name. Because, like her, they were all working for The Surgeon and her team – under duress.

After the group have showered, there’s a full on party atmosphere as everyone swaps experiences and stories. Kade is busy in the kitchen preparing fried chicken and huge jugs of homemade lemonade, which the group consumes with relish.

Kade, Troy and I step back and observe as they mingle and marvel at Kelvin – “Oh my, they did a great job on you, I can really see the man you will become.” Says a young blonde lady. A middle-aged man cuts in – “Hey, I was part of the team that created and cloned you, we did a great job.” He says, with pride.

Another woman cradles and feeds baby Belinda – “She’s perfect; the world’s first baby incubated entirely within a biological male.” She says, showing Belinda to an interested and adoring crowd.

As I watch, I’m reminded of the vast scale of The Surgeon’s enterprise and all her human resources: she captured the very best medical minds to help with her warped science.

And now her clones, The Twins, have attempted to use these souls to further their medical and magical experimentation. I have a rush of elation when I consider we have thwarted them, thrown them off track and won our first victory against them.

But I’m not complacent. I think back to our experience of their hooded, chuckling disciples and realize they have considerable manpower (as well as creatures) on their side. This war is far from won. In fact it’s only beginning. And as I watch the celebratory atmosphere-taking place all around me, I take Kade’s hand in mine and squeeze it. He looks at me, smiles, then looks back at the revelers and I know he’s thinking the same as me: tonight is very much the calm before the storm.


A tall and slender woman, perhaps in her mid forties, approaches Kade and I. She offers me her outstretched hand first, "I'm happy to meet you, Tanya. My name is Kristene; I was a member of the surgical team during your gender reassignment. I should point out, that my involvement was very much against my will." She says this by way of an apology. Her attention turns to Kade, "I would like to thank you for my reprieve. I don't think there are any words that can express the depth of my gratitude."

Kade takes off his neck brace and smiles, "You can demonstrate your gratitude by telling us all you know about what's actually going on in this place, and what The Twins intend to achieve with all this wrong-doing?" I see a sudden fear flush her face and she averts her eyes, looking back toward her fellow escapees and then back to us, "I will do my very best, but not right now. I think we all need to rest before we have the strength to talk of the darkness," she says, looking suddenly weary.

Kade is empathetic, "Sure, I understand Kristene," he says, looking her in the eye and holding his gaze. She's the first to break it, "I'll go back to my colleagues now. But once again, thank you, thank you very much," she says, lowering her eyes, in what I can't figure out is in shyness – or shame.


I watch as kristene re-joins her colleagues. Her bowed head and suddenly sad demeanor are in marked contrast to the joyful exuberance of the rest of the group.

"I guess she's feeling guilty for her involvement with your surgery," says Kade, his mind cruising in the same gear as mine. "I hope it's guilt and not something else," I say, with a cautious tone.

But Kristen's words have also reminded me of something very important to me. I need to go take my pills; I can't let any hormonal imbalance affect my thinking during these crucial times. "Kade, keep your eye on her, I need to go to the bathroom," I say, gently patting his shoulder.

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