The Surgeon Sequel - The Twins: Part 30

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The reinforced Perspex and metal casing that houses the brain jolts and shudders violently as we are rocked by another explosion above us.

Kade's mom looks at her brain and I suddenly realize just how vulnerable she is and more importantly how vulnerable we would be trying to escape with it. Even the dummy brain back in Chicago required considerable effort to transport it.

She's about to speak but another sound from above interrupts her, "Helicopters and jets. I have only known them deploy their fleet once, when three followers escaped. They were captured after only twenty minutes of freedom. Thankfully, you have fly-packs, you're all armed and with Tony's exceptional fire arm skills you're at a distinct advantage to those unfortunate three," she says this with an up beat, optimistic lift in her voice.

Kade moves towards the brain, looking it over and I guess he's figuring out ways to bring it with us.

Noticing his distraction his mom moves closer to me and drops her voice to a whisper, "Tanya, I have to place a burden on you, but it is one I'm confident you can carry." She looks over at Kade, and when she sees he's totally immersed, she moves even closer, "You are their guide. You have escaped here once before, you can do it again. I know you journeyed back here from Chicago, but that journey was assisted. The journey back to Chicago will be like your first, furtive escape. You have to lead and they will follow. Do you remember the route you took?" She asks.

I cast my mind back to the early, dark days of my story. The Kade-Less days when I had no one to share my fears with. I recall my daily fitness regime. The jogs with my security guards: the pretty little village, the shop in which my mother and father duped me.

Back then I was fuelled by a frantic need to save myself. And now that feeling is multiplied ten fold by a desire to save my loved ones - my family.

I look reassuringly at Kade's mom, "Yes, I remember," I say. She smiles, appreciatively, "Just one more thing, Tanya," she says. "What's that?" I ask. Her eyes begin to fill again as she looks back at Kade and then me, "Look after my boy for me," she whispers.


Kade is seeped in sadness, but realistically resigned as we amble back to the others, "We won't make it with her brain, it's not logistically possible," he says, rubbing his face vigorously in a vain attempt to discard his pain.


Back in the living area, Kade takes a deep breath and composes himself, "Kelly, Troy, can you go seem mom, by her brain," he says. Both aware of the nature of this meeting, they pass us, heads bowed in sorrowful silence.


"Can I give you both a hug?" I know that hugs help when you are given bad news," says Tony. When we both smile and nod, he wraps his arms around us both and pulls us into him. And in his brotherly embrace, strong with protection and unconditional love, I vow to ensure we all escape this place and leave its toxicity behind.


Kelly looks drained of all emotion when she returns. Her face, nestled on Troy's face is kind of blank.

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