The Surgeon #RealLifeMonsters.3

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Hello Everyone. Tanya here.

It's been a while since I've spoken to you all, so I figured it's time to drop by, and say, "Hi."

In our last post: #RealLifeMonssters.2, I told you of the lump on Kade's testicle, and our very real fear that it could be cancer.

Well, in our panic, we made a mistake; or rather, an error of judgment.

Put simply, we went to see a regular Doctor.

I mean a regular Doctor in the real world, your world.

All of our medics were busy with an Emergency Situation involving The Three Cloned Surgeons in our underground facility (more of that later.) So, such was my worry and concern, I persuaded Kade to register with a regular surgery using his fake I.D. and address.

It was a risk, given that if it were discovered we gave false information we'd be arrested. But it's a risk I felt we had to take, if it meant getting an early diagnosis. As you know, the earlier cancer is caught, the easier it is to treat.

So, off we went.

Once he'd been checked over by the nurse and we went into see the doctor, I knew I'd acted in haste. The first question he asked Kade was, "Do you have any history of cancer in your family?" Kade immediately looked at me, open mouthed. The doctor had to ask again, "Young man, the answer needs to come from you, not your wife; is there a history of cancer in your family?"

Kade mumbled, "I – don't – know." I saw something like suspicion cloud the doctor's face, "You don't know; surely you know if your: father, mother, any brothers, sisters, uncles or aunts have suffered from cancer?"

Kade nodded a hesitant no and rambled, "Erm, I mean no, no, not that I know of," he said, sounding so unsure that the doc turned to me. "Do you know anything of his medical family history?" I didn't hesitate, "There's no cancer in his immediate family," I answered, with confidence.

I made some excuse about Kade being worried and not thinking straight. It seemed to do the trick. He focused on Kade, "Given your age, I suspect testicular cancer." He started to put on surgical gloves, "I'll need to examine you first, before I send you for an Ultrasound Scan for a confirmed diagnosis," he said, taking Kade's arm and guiding him behind a curtain.

I couldn't help it, I panicked – "NO – NO!" I shouted.

The doctor was stunned. And I can understand why, my reaction was pretty extreme. But I'm sure you all know, how the sight of my beloved Kade being taken away by a medic made me feel. It just brought back so many terrifying memories. ­­

Kade and I often forget that we now live in the real world – we're always guarded and over-reactive.

And sometimes our paranoia and over-reaction to ordinary events makes us appear somewhat 'unstable' to the rest of society.

We have to be constantly careful. We have to work hard to re-integrate and assimilate back into normal, everyday life.

And of course, Kade being taken behind a curtain to be examined by a doctor is an 'ordinary event' – but my reaction to it, wasn't.

The doctor flashed me an angry glare, "Excuse me madam?" He said, with a raised, questioning eye.

I tried to relax, "I mean, yes, go ahead examine him." I composed myself some more, "It's just that Kade's an extremely nervous patient, and I'd like to have your permission to come with you, for his examination?" I said.

The doctor looked at Kade, "Is that what you want?" He asked, with a sudden empathy in his tone.

Kade nodded, and the three of us retreated behind the curtain.

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