The Surgeon Sequel - The Twins: Part 18

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I hover at the keypad. Dialogue flows through me in a constantly tormenting loop.

‘I can’t do this.’

‘I have to do this.’

 ‘But I can’t.’

‘But you can – you must!’

‘Tanya, you’re going to lure a real nice guy into a torturous situation. That’s EVIL!

‘OK, my mind is made up, I’m not doing it.’

My internal dialogue is suddenly interrupted by the screech of an animal sound slicing through the space. I shoot up and slam round to see what unfortunate beast this pained sound is coming from.

But I’m alone – there is no animal.

I switch off the rotors and shout out, “Hey, what was that?”

The door scratches open and Twin: 2 appears. I note she looks disheveled, her hair is messy and lipstick is smeared across her face. “What was that animal sound?” I ask. She seems slightly intoxicated as she wipes the back of her hand across her mouth, “Yes, he is behaving like an animal,” she says, with a lusty laugh.

I don’t rise to her bait, 'she’s playing with you Tanya,' I tell myself.

She approaches me, “My sister thought that ‘howl’ might delay your departure. Which is good as I want to impart a few rules to ensure Troy is delivered successfully to us.” She runs her hands through her hair and walks seductively toward the opening panel; she drops a small pack onto the floor. “No trying to fool us with holograms. And you must attach this tracking device to your fly-pack. So we can ensure you’re not indulging in any little tricks with Troy.” She giggles, “We won’t be fooled, we’ll be listening and watching your every move. Kade will only be handed back when we have physically got our hands on Troy – you understand?”

I nod my ‘Yes.’

“Good. Now you must hurry, before my sister and I change our minds,” she says, walking back toward the door. Before she enters, she turns and says, “One more thing. If you do anything silly, like try to cover the camera, then Kade will suffer accordingly. You got that?”

I charge up my rotors and nod ‘yes’ again.


The decision has been made for me. There’s no going back now. I have to lead an unsuspecting Troy into the lion’s den.

Guilt engulfs me. I wish I’d never made the suggestion. It was a moment of madness. But that’s desperation for you; it takes you over, controls you and makes you do and say desperate things.

I hover toward the keypad feeling cold and empty.


The Change Range is as it was when Kade and I first arrived. I wonder at the technical expertise these people employ to change it from this inviting place to a freezing hell in what seems like the flick of a switch.

As I increase my altitude I also wonder how Kade will feel about me after doing this. I’m not convinced he’ll forgive me. In fact, this could spell our end. Kade and I had a shared sense of moral. It was the trait that bound us. I’ve lost the very thing he loved me for.

 I fly forward, fuelled with an intense sense of self-hatred.


The Imps, or tree creatures as I’ll always call them, hang dormant from the trees. I hover in front of one and punch it lightly. It swings on its rope, offering no resistance. At least I know The Twins have kept this part of their bargain, I’m safe from their attack.

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