Chapter 19

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I woke up with the sight of a red velvet cake with 17 lighted candles...17... Oh My God! I'm 17 today!!! It's my birthday today!!!

Chantel was holding the cake in front of me while Cassy, Lily and Jade surrounded the bed. Helena was studying on her side of the room, as if nothing was happening.

"The cake's from Stefan" Lily said.

"Make a wish!!!" Chantel said.

"uhh- I've got nothing" I said.

"C'mon! Wish for good grades or something!!!" Cassy said.

"Cass, you don't wish for good grades. You work for them" I said.

"It was only a suggestion" she crossed her arms.

"Classes will start in a few minutes. Just make a wish, blow the candles and dress up already!" Helena said.

Oh Gosh!!!! Why does my birthday have to be on a Tuesday!?

"I'll make a wish at lunch. We have to get to class" I got off the bed.

"What?!" Jade said.

"But it took us like ages to light all 17 candles" Lily said.


I turned to the cake.

"I wish Luke is not mad at me!" I said, and blew all 17 candles.

"You're not suppose to say your birthday wish" Jade said.

"Otherwise, it might not come true" Cassy said.

I shrugged and I was headed towards the bathroom.

"Joe," Helena called.

"What?" I asked.

"What made you think that Luke is mad at you?" she asked.


"Did something dreadful happen in London a few days ago?"

"Yeah! Why did you arrive so late? We were all looking for you last Sunday" Jade said

"We did fight in London, but just one of those chill ones" and then suddenly, I remembered he yelled at me when we were biking and I called him a "nitwit", in which "nit" is chiefly British meaning "a stupid person" "We did yell at each other but-"

"Why did you arrive at 10 in the evening!?" Helena was getting furious

"Helena, calm down!" Jade said

"Sorry," Helena placed her hands on her face "I'm just concerned. You won't tell us anything yesterday but now, it's all confusing! And, I'm worried about Luke as well!"

"Why? What happened to him?" I asked.

"Everybody in school knows" Helena said.

"Knows? Knows what?" I asked.

"He got fired as prefect" Helena said.

"What!?" I shrieked

"What?!" Chantel said "I didn't know that!"

"Like you don't know what really happened" Helena said.

"Well, yeah, I do" I said.

"Whatever! Just put your uniform on so that we could all head downstairs to have breakfast!" Helena said.

Luke and I haven't spoken to each other since yesterday, which is why I started thinking that he was mad at me. After everything that happened in London a couple of days ago, it all ends to this! Him, being astray!

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