chapter 30

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❣opposite do attract❣

Deejat thani
Khadijat sani gana

*chapter 30*

Your excellency where can i find you??

Alhj look at musa who is also listening,he blink at his boss alhj sigh salaha where ever is okay for you,tell me i will meet you there,she nod okay sir meet me at the park near my place in 30minute am coming with the document,please sir no one should know..

Alhj nod okay see you,he hang up the call staring at musa i knew it musa that alhassan will never change,to the extend he want to spoil my tenor,musa shake his head am sorry sir everything will be okay we will fix it...insha Allah get the people all to leave when they are done tell them i will explain tomorrow...

Yes sir right away,musa left to the conferences room where the people are waiting.. 

Alhj sadau pack up his bag again and some work he will just do it from the house or hospital he can't afford to leave his son's side again till his okay,,musa open the door collecting the papers and bags from him,alhj sigh tell the driver to go pick mama from the airport it's almost time me and you alone will be the one going there,he nod and left as alhj follow behind him.....

Immediately he hang up the phone salaha rushed home and pick the papers and left to the pack she sat there and waited,minutes later they arrived she went close to the car musa comes out and open the back door where Alhj sadau is for her,she greeted him immediately she was sitted.

She gave out a sigh i will start by apologizing to yhu sir me and my family have wronged you in so many ways,my daughter duped khalil she hand over his wallet and the later i didn't know till after she left and wrote it in the later that she has swipe away khalil's account using his credit cards,me i help hjy in collaborating with m to take Khadijat out of khalil's life for our selfish motives and my husband stole from yhu using some paper's she hands them over to him am sorry sir the money is in our account it's number is written there i have informed the bank of your going,am so sorry sir am ready to accept my punishment,Alhj sadau smile salaha you and your friend got your punishment already which is your children's calamity that is enough for you,As for your husband i can't say that because she has to pay,she nod i understand thank you sir i will take my leave now he nod she open the door and step out musa rush back and they drove off,she also entered her own car and went home waiting for her husbands arrival...

Khadijat the boys mama and ya hauwa where sitted in khalil's room making conversation when the door to the room click open with his grandma,uncle and his wife coming in,khadijat went to her hugging her,grandma laila smile hugging her tighter i miss you too our princess how is your Prince health now she stare at khalil who is laying down khadijat got out of her embrace grandma we missed you how was your trip the?she smile it was fine angel,khadijat turn to uncle sadiq and his wife welcome uncle aunty salma they smile thank you princess how is khalil's health they all approach his bed exchanging greetings with mama and ya hauwa,grandma laila sat on the bed rubbing his head,ohh my sweet boy am sorry this had to happen to you if i were there i will have protected you,uncle and his wife smile at her last word grandma raise her head where is suwaiba even now that her son is sick she isn't here when will she learn?mama smile grandma she was just here she just step home to get something's for khalil ya hauwa nod yes granny am sure she's on her way here,grandma sigh uhmm i thought she is still the same,khadijat hold grandma's shoulder seeing that she look sad about khalil's state grandma look at uncle sadiq call your brother does he know we are here already he nod no mum let me try calling him,he step out to make the call when grandma look at mama thank you Asma you have always been like a second mother to khalil here thank you for the love his own parents couldn't be here for him all busy with there lives,they all smile knowing she's being emotional again,khadijat smile granny you know duffer here doesn't like seeing you like,grandma laila smile wiping her tears common khadijat we both know he likes teasing me i can remember our last conversation was a bet,uncle sadiq that just came in shake his head mum i thought you promise to stop betting it's not a good time,she laugh oh come off it sadiq i know what am doing aunty salma rub her husband hand smiling at him,mama and hauwa laugh,grandma repair khalil's blanket you know khadijat we bet on who ever misses one another and give up and call will have to come back to the other person's destination she smile and now i guess he won and am here not just call and am i agree to all what you guys are saying that his handsome he has always want me to admit his more handsome than my husband and now am admitting it that after my husband khalil is the most handsome man i know,,,khadijat turn to uncle who is smiling along with his wife,mama who hauwa is hugging too are laughing khadijat went close to his ears duffer did you hear that granny has giving up on two of her bet we both know it's a grieve thing to her to say someone is as handsome as her husband but today she look at grandma who is wiping her tears she said it that you are the most handsome after her husband so please darling wake up please we all wish to see you awake she put her hands in his rubbing it,grandma look at her wondering why she is talking to him like his listening that was when mama went close to them but before she could say anything hjy suwaiba beat her to it,,the doctor said we should always talk to him like his here because people in his state listens,they all turn to her  most especially khadijat mama and hauwa who are surprise seeing her crying and smiling at deeja,granny sigh looking at hjy suwaiba hand true to their words she's holding a basket of food and another bag,she looks deeply into khadijat's eye deeja saw nothing but remorse in them so she smile at her hjy was surprise but she did smile back...

I thought you weren't here with your son,hjy nod keeping the bags she squad to greet grandma,,welcome mum how was your trip,granny look at her son and his wife surprise at seeing how hjy look different,she didn't get to answer because she turn to uncle sadiq,sadiq ya hanya you are welcome he nod smiling thank you suwaiba it was fyn,she smile at salma who also look like grandma,hjy suwaiba was expecting that but she didn't look like she care so she went close to khalil's bed were khadijat is how is he now princess,khadija smile his fine mum she tried to get her hands out of his to give mama space to talk to him but to her surprise his holding it strongly she look up at mum who is also looking at there hands they smile at each other,granny and the rest went closer to the bed uncle sadiq rush out to look for the doctor's office....

Duffer can you hear me it's khadijat your princess can you please do like you did,they look at each other and back to him but he didn't squeeze it again the doctor comes in followed by alhj sadau and sadiq he asked them to move aside he checked him then turn to them,,doctor is he okay he squeeze my hands like didn't want me to let him go,he sigh well i have two theory first he must have heard what you guys are saying and didn't want you to let go like you said or it most be just stimulus but we can't say for sure till later again if he reply,i advice for you he look at khadijat to stay more around maybe his only replying to your words,she nod smiling thank you doctor they all said,dad looks at his mum who is crying he smile so did sadiq they so much love their mum they don't want to see her sad Alhj sadau went close to her hugging her ma!!! Please don't cry your grandson is a fighter am sure he will wake up soon,sadiq smile holding her hand yes ma that's why i think we should go home so you can rest,early tomorrow morning or later in the evening we will be back,Alhj sadau smile yes mum hjy suwaiba hold her bag let's go mum i will get your place ready i know khalil is safe here as it is...

Mama and hauwa nod we also need to go we will be back soon,Alhj sadau nod okay,he check his wrist watch and nod at deeja let me go pray too i will be back soon,she smile hugging grandma her mum and sister,they all left leaving only her around she sat where grandma got up holding his hands in hers...

Hey duffer i know it was you who hold me not any stimulus that's why am so happy i know you only consider me your sister just like you said but i can't hide the fact that i love you more than a brother,khalil i love you since before I know what love is till date nothing has change so please even as a sister that you feel for me,khalil it's enough wake up already am missing you for this past three to four days it feels like years i miss you so much please wake up,i promise if you do i will drop that love i feel for you and set you free you can date any other minal too I will be okay with it,just wake up my love,she start crying so much then she heard something she thought it's her imagination...

What if i don't want you to stop loving me??

She raise her head looking at the person with the horse voice asking her,he smile at her when they look at each other he use his other free hand wiping her tears you know you don't look good when you cry right....

She couldn't stop crying she smile looking at him,duffer is it really you,am i not dreaming,he nod no you aren't princess since that day i have been wanting to open my eye but i couldn't and i had one terrible head not letting me but not anymore,he wipe another tears from her face and yes you haven't reply my question princess what if i don't want you to stop loving me,she shaking her head not wanting a continuation of the talk duffer stop please he nod coughing she try getting up to call the doctor but he stop her please princess hear me out before you go,i don't want you to stop loving me because now i know that i love you more than i ever did to any woman forgive me i didn't realize it fast.......

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