chapter 24

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❣opposite do attract❣

Deejat thani
Khadijat sani gana

*chapter 24*

Minal smile when she entered her car,she open her bag bringing khalil wallet out she smile seeing all she wanted inside,she kept it aside then smirk,starting the engine i can't just end up with nothing khalil all i get from you is worth it,since am letting you get the girl you want,she laugh leaving there...

Maher park at the abandon wired house,he whistle as he got out of the car,two of m boys came out they shake hand,maher smile i have got the package,they look at each other not believing him,he laugh go check the car they rush to it opening it,,seeing khadijat in the car made them jump hugging each other maher laugh.

Hey guys i got the package not you two then why are you so happy,remember i told him i will get the girl for him i just hope my own reward is ready,one of them smirk maher you know boss is a trusthy he never back out from his words,maher smile he turn back staring at a lifeless Khadijat then start working towards the entrance guys get the girl,the open the car bringing her out..

Mubarak is sitting on his sit blowing out smoke,with no shirt on tattos all over his body with a hair style that you don't need to ask it look like bad boy looks,Maher whistle as he enter m rise his head smiling at maher,he walk to him and they shake hand maher collect the smoke from m taking a puff,m smile man you are too deceiving your looks says different from what you are capable of doing,,maher laugh well guy guess what i got the package,,m gets up from his sit surprise,,maher am not in the mood for joke maher smirk well keep your eyes on the door and see wonders,m did as he was told and in came khadijat on the shoulder of one of his boys and the other one holding her bag.

M turn to maher smiling,he follow the guys to the bed as they lay her down,,he smirk well well well what do i have here,,the guys laugh m smile i can't believe finally this bitch is here with me,he turn to maher how did you do it,,maher smile throwing the remaining smoke,well after my encounter with that stupid tail of hers i got very furious to want it done with then i started thinking of ways to get her then your call came in telling me today is our last chance then i approach her,he told m how he get her to come with him,,,Mubarak laugh woah maher you deserve a medal he brings out his phone now for your reward am adding more of what i promised since you did the job well,he immediately send 10million to maher account out of the 100m he collected from hjy suwaiba,,maher heard alert he check it and smile giving m a handshake,,mubarak brought out his phone and made that call to Khalil with a picture of khadijat where he made them remove her veil he sniff her hair closing his eye,,he smile at maher guy even her perfume is intoxicating maher laugh mubarak she's all yours now lemme start getting my things ready am leaving Nigeria today itself,,he went aside making some calls.

Mubarak rise his hands at his boys to leave the rooms,,leaving only him and her he sat aside ogling at her like he has never seen her he smile finally deeja i will have you all to myself,,whats more it's not just you that the pain will concern but even that fool who couldn't leave your side like a shadow....

He sit there smiling then his phone rings,he got it out seeing it's hjy suwaiba he smile picking the call,mubarak it's a job well done i heard you already got the girl?

He nod yes madam,she laugh well that's it now i want both you and her out of the country before tomorrow if not,khalil will find you because his getting knot's already looking for her,she laugh i need not to tell you that the police are involved cause you know they will be... 

M nod not to worry madam,khadijat is now my concern.

She sigh make sure if something goes wrong my name is not involve,understand!?

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