chapter 28

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❣opposite do attract❣

Deejat thani
Khadijat sani gana

*chapter 28*

Minal why would you do that,you blew our cover..she look at her mother who is sitting across the sit in their living room seriously mum you expect me to take of a potato like him beside i don't love him we both know and please don't force me into doing what i don't want to,you are right but am just saying we should have done that in a mature way.....

Mum !!! Please you know  what am leaving,she got up and left for her room,salaha shake her head God how can that girl be my daughter when she shout at me like her kid.

Alhassan comes in hey wify you look distance,,she sigh why wouldn't i since have got a daughter like ours she fustrate me so much,he smile sitting next to her well don't get too tensed because i manage to get something for us he wink at her..

Salaha smile seeing his big grin well when you laugh like this definitely we got something so what is it??

He hand over a file to her,see for yourself,she flip over the papers for some second then she starts smiling,she raise her head staring at both him and the papers,then she jump and hug him,,hey husband am proud of you,how did you manage to do this when since you were working with him we never succeed in our attempt's..

Alhassan smile well am lucky i guess,before he left the office his supposed to sign some authorizations papers for the wuse road completion,,she nod yes the one the president has Interest on? Alhassan smile nodding yes baby that was when i sneak some papers in authorizing him to let go of all the money for the work and now i have already transfer 30b to my account well i have given the company responsible the contract and strike orders to start working without a dime,which brings us to him being question about the money suspected for lundary Nigeria money maybe stopped running office till the money is found and me your husband the acting senator before he can't get them back and he will be removed,,,they both laugh alhassan hold his wife's hand baby that leaves them with only me as the senator right???

Wow wow wow my husband that's the smartest thing you have ever done since i know you,he smile but wait husby is this your plan or someone elses,salaha you think am that stupid not to plan such it's me now..

Salaha smirk poor suwaiba and ibrahim their son had a tragic accident and now this i don't know how they will get back to their selves,Alhassan nod that's their luck now he gets up now i need rest and i have to hide this paper's it shouldn't be seen by anyone...

She smile yes husband but who else but me knows how to hide it when am the lady of the house i know all the hood of this house,,she nod you are right giving the papers to her go take care of this i want to go shower...

He turn to leave she followed him,he turn to look at her,madam where are you going to celebrate now my husband she touch his chest to his waist honey it's been a while and i need you desperately even if it's a quicky,He shake his head please salaha not today maybe tomorrow now i need rest am tired from going back n forth to take care of our track from being foundout by anyone,,he smile holding her shoulder he hug her then gives her a peck,promise to make it up to you tomorrow baby kinji,she nod okay she watched as he went up to their room leaving her like that like always it's almost 2years now she's been celibate because her husband refuse to get layed with her every time she try he give excuses but she's going to wait tomorrow if nothing happens she's going to take actions,she smile seeing the file now let's go hide you she went upstairs to hide it....

After the take Alhj sadau and mlm sani did they came back to the room where mama and hauwa are insisting on khadijat to go with hauwa and her husband to go rest then you come back tomorrow please baby you look tired and sick too,with what you went through you need rest mama already promise to stay with him,,ya hauwa no please i can't rest or sleep knowing his here that too it's cause of me,she look up at them you can go i will be fine beside mama you already took care of my bruised face the boys said they will be back too in a while we will be taking shifts in staying up at night so it's planned i can't leave,,mama sigh giving up she nod at hauwa you can go dear,go meet your husband outside greet the kids for me,hauwa smile hugging her mum,mama you also need to rest since you saw her she's fyn now go rest from all that crying so you don't get sick,kinji mama nod bringing hauwa out of her embrace i wilp now go.

They turn and saw Alhj and their dad,she smile at them hauwa leaving already yes dad the kids are at home and now he has office early tomorrow and it's getting late now,the men both nod alhj touch her head Allah ya maku albarka dear,don't worry your abokin fada will be fine,she smile insha Allah dad,she turn to her sister who is busy staring at khalil his hands in her's,dad please try making her eat aleast since she said she will not go home,dad giggle hauwa maybe Alhj can be sometimes khadijat can be so stubborn and persistent they all look at him they laugh mama nod well she inherit it well right Alhj? Alhj sadau nod yes she does we all know you were and still like this but lemme try you hauwa go don't keep your husband waiting...he turn to mama you too maman yara we already know she's not going home so you guys can go i will stay with them till haris and muazam comes back i will also go fix something at home,,they nod okay mama went and peck her daughter goodnight baby girl she smile sleep well mama i miss you,mama smile me too baby don't worry tomorrow we will get enough time to talk,sleep tight she place her hand on Khalil's son take care of both you and you sis like you always do khadijat smile looking at him,,,dad peck her hair too goodnight baby she nod smiling at them....

Alhj sadau kept staring at her,he nod ohh God if not suwaiba's stupidity look at how this girl get when it comes to your son,even for the love she has for him why didn't she think twice before wanting to hurt her,he shake the thought out i will deal with that later,,he went to where hauwa kept the takeaway bringing it to a cushion and table in the room then we went to her,,he tap her startling her,subhanalillah sorry dear she smile it's nothing dad i thought i was alone in the room he smile well now let go of him and go eat,dad am...shhh keep quite and let me finish,you know first khalil is already angry seeing you rejecting food see his face she stare dad smile we both know he is,so to make him wake up fast you need to do all he always want now get up and feeding you like when you were a baby,she smile getting up .

True to his words he did feed her she eat a little he didn't want to force then he let her be now,i av asked for a bed being transfer here again for you,so please rest princess kinji she nod i will dad he got up that's when haris and muazam came in greeting him,he smile thank you guys you all are true friends and brothers,i will leave him to you guys goodnight...

Goodnight dad,he walk out and saw musa standing were did she go from here? We trace her and it was home like you said Alhj nod okay they came out to where his car all parked with some of his guards he smile musa tell them to retire for today,,he entered his car waiting for musa to take care of that before they go home he needs to talk to suwaiba...

Hjy suwaiba reached home and ran to her room,the maid followed her seeing that she's crying when she came,hjy is everything okay should i call the doctors,,,,go away please i don't need anything i want to be alone they look at each other because she has never said please to them but they obliged and left,,she kept crying hardly remembering all she has done,she keep asking herself why.

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