chapter 12

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❣opposite do attract❣

Deejat thani
Khadijat sani gana

*chapter 12*

Mum you are just saying nonsense,minal couldn't sit down cause she's so agitated,she has been calling khalil's number since he told her he will call back but he didn't,that's why since she woke up today her parents haven't hear or seen peace..

Salaha got up from the dinning she put her hand on her daughter's shoulder come sit....

But mum how can you ask me to sit when our plan is drifting away,,she remove her well tied headtie and threw it away...

Salaha knows how her daughter can be when she's angry so she try calming her down...

Baby girl ,,she hold her hands making her look her in the eye baby don't you trust your mum???

Mum you know that's not the case here,can't you understand that even before we could do anything that girl is taking him away,am sure it's because of her that his not calling and i can't stoop low to go see him she laugh a wicked grin haba it's too cheap for a girl like me to go after a guy because his too stupid to see what i have and is taking me for granted.....

Salaha smile the courage of her daughter always amaze,,that my baby you already know we have got his mum by our side so what we will do now is use what we have to get what we want,,,,

She nod mum i don't get you what do you mean.

Salaha hold her daughter to one of the dinning chair,,babygirl show khalil  more of what his going to loose when he play around,as for the girl "kinsan kissa"hypocrisy that's how we will get to her,,,minal start laughing mum you are too cleaver how didn't i think of that you mean i should use her and turn khalil against her she smirk a wicked one at her mum,,making salaha get up to her sit now baby girl eat your breakfast and go to the office i will find a way for you to get to meet her and him that too today so we can start laying our plan against them.....

Minal laugh ohh mum what will i do without you,,hjy salaha smile am your mum dear so everything i do is for your own good,his mum is selfish and that's how i will get to her salaha smile,minal made tea and serve herself the breakfast smiling all through skimming all her plan to rule against her parents,khalil's and his relationship with khadijat but one thing is for sure she has to follow her mum for now because the woman's I Q is really useful,she finished her breakfast fast and tie up the headtie for the second time on a bodycon gown bring out all her figure she grab her  white doctor's coat and her hand bag,she turn to her mum who is staring proudly at her daughter,mum am leaving i will await your goodnews call..

Trust your mother baby just go concentrate and make money because we need lot's of it.

She smile i will mum,she walk out and found her car ready with three of her bodyguards waiting they greeted her even when they know she wouldn't answer she put her hand on the car and clean it then turn to one of them moses you did a great job today but next time if my car is not washed before i wake up,you should know that you will not get the whole month salary....

The gardener who twice the years of her father look very frighten he nod yes ma'am am sor.....

Oh shut up,,you poor peoole are nothing but idiot's only after the money you will get from the rich you can even sell your soul for that,you know what get out of my sight before i open my eye,moses ran before she drop a bag of insult on him like she always does she's just too spoiled.

Minal turn to the bodyguard she inspect them one after the other before she sigh,better you guys did put some effort today in cleaning up if am not mistaken i can smell a cheap perfume coming from you she points to one of them and smile well  that's good you took my advice if not you stink like gabage yesterday but today you only smell of cheap perfume now are you guys going to stand like mountains or are you driving me to the hospital.

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