chapter 27

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❣opposite do attract❣

Deejat thani
Khadijat sani gana

*chapter 27*

Doctor sigh staring at them,he shake his head am so sorry your excellence but we can't say for sure his waking up depends on him,i suggest we all go and pray hard and words of advice all talk nicely and show him care even like he is,i once heard people in coma hear everything they say in there presence so please he look at hjy suwaiba and khadijat learn to cooperate with each other it will helps him alot,Khadijat nod...

Alhj sadau nod thanks doctor can we see him now,

Yes sure the nurse will take your to his room...

Hjy suwaiba hiss after he left she stare at khadijat for my son's well being i beg you to please leave here,i can't stand being in the same place as you,beside khalil has his girlfriend with him i think he will be fine..

Minal sigh uhmm they all turn to her she look at them in a disgusting way,hjy hold her hand to the room..

Alhj sadau shake his head holding khadijat who is crying hush now my dear we both know you are not going anywhere my son need no one more now like he do you so let's go forget what suwaiba is saying we both know she will not learn he wipe her tears smiling at her then look at dad and mama let's go Alhj,he look at mama you too maman yara,ya hauwa kema kina kuka common wipe away your tear your brother is a fighter you know better i think you should be the one telling princess here how he was before koh,,,ya hauwa smile wiping her tear he nod at her and showed her the way to go ahead they all went away to the direction hjy suwaiba and her crew went....

As they were about to go in musa his chief security rush to him,sir ???

Alhj wait smiling at deeja go along dear lemme just see musa,she nod greeting musa who smile at her,princesses don't cry miss and you know khalil will not approve so please stop crying and pray for him we all are,khadijat smile thank you musa,he nod they both stare at her as she left before dad turn to musa so who's the other person involved....

Musa sigh am sorry to say sir but it's madam.....alhj sadau stare at him for a while before he shake his head how did that happen,what is the evidence you have..

Musa hand him some paper that's Mubarak's call list of people he talk to and i already confirm with him he confess but not to worry i weap away everything that will comolicate her sir i also took care of mubarak..

Alhj hold his head that is booming then sigh thank you musa i will take care of the rest you go take care of the reporters please no one should get in,,

Yes sir i wish khalil fast recovery...

Thank you musa,i really appreciate,musa likes the way his boss isn't egolistic like some politicians,he walk away...

Alhj sadau walks into the room,saw khadijat and her parent mile awat from the bed because hjy didn't allow them through...

Minal that has been irritated at the way khalil is hook up to alot of machine and all bandage turn and saw him coming in she immediately got up from the chair hjy force her to sit beside khalil,Alhj sadau smile knowing the kind of person minal is now he just hope his wife learn from all her mistakes including them because it will not be long their true color will manifest...

Hjy went closer to her husband in tears since she saw her son's condition,,Alhj see what they did to my beautiful son he look miserably Alhj raise his head staring at his wife,his surprise since when has she been this two face of a human he kept looking at her till he realize something was up she immediately remove her hand on his shoulder....

Alhj look towards khadijat princess come see your duffer his sleeping peacefully remember how you guys wake each other we you were growing up,khadijat walk to him smiling so is everyone except hjy and her friends..

Khadijat walk to the bed holding his hands in her she squad a little a blew air to his ears,he is suppose to wake up frowing after he saw it's her he will chase her around the house but now his just laying down not making even an effort of opening his eye she look at alhj who shake his head telling her to not cry like she look like she wants to,she close her eye letting the tears fall she instantly wipe it away....

Hey duffer you know what,am fine now and i have missed you so much,you know what happen when i miss you too much i tend to cry we both know you don't want to see me cry so please i know you need to rest but don't take too long okay she smile if you do i will be force to make you wake up to a angry me,she giggle then stop staring at his pale face please duffer don't sleep too much coz i will be here waiting she wipe her tears looking at Alhj who is also smiling but tears are filled in his eye,she nod at her...

Ughmm such a drama queen,they all turn to her minal raise her brows at them what isn't she that look at how you all are looking stupidly at them like it's something reasonable that she's doing,,,minal stop have some Manner's salaha scold her.

Ohh please mum quit the drama we both know you also feel like i do,you don't care for them if they were poor you will not spear them even a glance talk more of being here....

Hjy suwaiba look surprise hearing that she look at minal then at her mum,what's happening to your daughter salaha??

Salaha sigh uhmm walking to her friend it's nothing my friend i think she's like this because of the trauma of seeing her boyfriend like this,that's why she's talking like this besides she's supposed to be the one giving him this attention not her that's why she's jealous,hjy nod looking at her friend ohh okay then she turn back to look at minal who is smirking at them...

Alhj sadau smile folding his hands together,dad stare at him telling him to interfere but he wink at him,,minal laugh holding her bag well i don't think i can keep staying here listening to you guys melo dramatic act am going,,she turn to leave but hjy suwaiba spoke minal why will you leave now when this is the time khalil needs you....

She turn back to look at them who did you just say me wait for him? She points at khalil who is laying helplessly on the bed,,,then she laugh news flash hjy i can't and will not marry your son who if we are to be saying the truth medically that's his remain nothing but a fermented plantain i can't leave my life baby sitting him and too beautiful for that i quit tell him when he regain his saint that am done,,,,she look at her mum,mum are you coming or not hjy suwaiba look at her friend who is picking her bag she stare at her friend am sorry suwaiba but i can't stay here i wish your son quick recovery she went to her daughter as they turn and left khadijat wipe her tears thinking about life see what is happening to her duffer just because God has test him with such condition,mama went to her daughter hugging her hush now baby girl khalil will surely be fine we have God and he will do it for us....

Alhj look at his friend then his wife who is standing like a rock it's as if she has gone into shock,he smile you haven't seen anything yet my dear wife he got up to her,he clap his hands twice before she comes back to reality....

He smile at her my dear wife i have to say i told you so,but i did hope you are now awake from that deadly sleep,you have always been a fool since day one but i manage to leave wit you but your behavior keep making me drift away from you now you see what it cost you,a small girl old enough to be your daughter just said things and woke you up but you couldn't do a thing thank God my son even in his state is hearing what happen and am sure if his my real son he will never look back at her...

He turn to look at khadijat who is crying,look at her the girl you hate so much is the one standing besides him even in his worst moment where is the girl you choose for him,she look at him as he walk closer to her she stare at her feet alhj grab her shoulder shaking her why  suwaiba why....

Ibrahim stop its okay she has got it,no she hasn't she is still a fool,stop ibrahim bari nace he hold him dragging him away,,stop it ibrahim please for khalil's sake,Alhj sadau stop turning to look at his son's bed...

Hjy suwaiba pick her bag and ran out,,alhj sani tap his shoulder let's go,,he took him outside leaving mama hauwa and khadijat inside....

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