chapter 10

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❣opppsite do attract❣

Deejat thani
Khadijat sani gana

*chapter 10*

On their way to the villa Alhj sadau couldn't keep quite he had to talk....

Suwaiba what have you done this time around?

She smile i knew it that since yhu have been staring at me you really couldn't keep it in...

And what do you mean by what have i done this time around,am just trying to be close to our friends..

Alhj sadau laugh really my dear wife since when did you start considering Alhj and his family friends,i thought you said they are poor people whom you can't stand,,sadau look at his wife suwaiba i know you,i know the way you think so whatever you try doing i will findout and i will make sure to rectify it by doing what is best for everyone...

What do you mean by do what's best for everyone?Alhj smirk nothing really we shall see what the out come of your tanturum will be,my prayers for you always is for God to make you realise that both the poor and the rich are equal in the eye of the Almighty....

Ughmm hjy sigh please ur excellency let's not fight and jump into conclusion on small issues,she put a hand on her husband chest please honey you and our son have to start trusting me that what ever i do is for the betterment of our family,she gave out a sigh bringing her husbands face closer to her's darling even if it means me coming close to khadijat's family i will do it for us...

Alhj smile bringing her to his chest,she smirk giving out a wicked smile,,Alhj nod if that's true that means my wife is growing up..they all laugh holding tightly to each other....

Alhj sadau even after all his wife said it confirm to him more that his wife is up to no good that's why he wants to follow her the way she started it,he has been in politics for long to know when someone is real or faking .

Princess you have been silent since please talk to me,what did mum say that made you silent....

Is it true duffer? Khalil rise his hands up what is true,princess you need to be open for me to understand what you are trying to say...

Khadijat gave out a sigh rising her head up to look  at him for the first time since he came there...

Are you a student of our school or not,is it true that you already have you certificate at hand but is just going to school to put an eye on me,,,khalil stand up shaking his head.....khadijat smile standing up too, so it's true you have been lieying to me since.

Khalil shake his head he try holding her hands but she is too furious to find out all his mum said is true....she rise her hands at him stop please don't hold me right now because am too angry at you....

Khalil left his sit to her's calm down princess it's not what you think i can explain...

Yes!!n you sure will because you have to convince me that all you did isn't because you don't trust i can take care of myself or is it because you know your dad is someone and you used that and did wat u did,,,,,,

Subhanalillah haba princess why would you say that...

Khalil what do you want me to say if not that!!!

Khalil becomes surprise hearing her shout at him and even call his name,he has forgotten when last she call him by his name.....

She turned her back at him hands on her waist letting out heavy breath signally that she's too frustrated,,,khalil walk to her he manage to hold her and she didn't fight back she let him...

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