chapter 3

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❣opposite do attract❣

Deejat thani
Khadijat sani gana

*chapter 3*

Her excellency how have you been,its been long we talked,hajiya suwaiba smile laying down she rise her hand for the maids to leave before saying what she want to,salaha am sorry about that,but for now we need to talk please can you come to my house tomorrow,salaha smile cause she knows her friends call is never a lost,yes why not expect me tomorrow,H suwaiba smile oiit then sai gobe i need to go check oga goodnight my regard to my daughter.

Salaha nod she will surely hear,goodnight they hang up the phone,her excellency smile feeling like she has already found a solution to separating khalil and khadija,because with her friend salaha she knows her problems will be solved.

Khalil on the other hand got out of the bathroom all dress up for sleeping ,he drop the towel he just used on the flour and head to the mirror spray lot's of perfume before grabbing his phone,he dial the number his been yarning to call"princess".

Mama you didn't scratch that part,mama look down on her girl she's been laying on her laps they have been combing khadija's hair since,baby am tired already get up my leg's they are aching already please go wash the hair tomorrow.

Mama please just a little more,,mama smile seeing how deeja is closing her eye,she shake her head rising her up,younglady get off me i need to go see if your dad's food are set before he comes back..

Mama please now how many time's will you do that,mama smirk as long as my husband hasn't come back home i will make sure everything is set to his taste,deeja roll her eye at mama,haba mama you pamper dad too much..

Mama laugh yes why wouldn't i not his the love of my life,,,

Ohhhh khadija smile,mum you guys are my role model you can go i will try fixing the hair myself,romeo's call awaits you juliet.

Mama nod Allah ya shiryeki khadija you are growing naughty every second am your mum not your friends,you don't feel shame saying this kind of stuffs to me,deeja laugh at mama that is heading to their mini dinning to see if everything is set for dad.

deeja hold part of her hair,she trying to put it in a bunny tale but to all avail,she sigh leaving the hair, i give up mama that is passing laugh you better put that hair in a bunny tale before you sleep,she was about saying something when her phone ring she immediately knows who is calling because his ringing tone is different,she smile picking her phone seeing duffer calling she chuckle picking the call.

"Hey duffer"...she smile laying on the cushion

"Hlo princess" how is the most beautiful lady i know doing.

Deeja smile ohh my tonight is among those night i get the night flow's right?

Khalil smile rolling on the bed laying on his stomach,,,,khadija did the same.

No it's not i just feel like telling you,that you are beautiful,is that wrong,deeja smile no it's not duffer,,besides you don't look bad yourself you are the world handsome bachelor i know..

Khalil laugh oh really now are we going to talk about me not getting married,,deeja nod no we are not am just trying to remind you that you are getting old by seconds.

Khalil smirk rolling his eye whatever,,all i know is am waiting for a girl who will sweap me off my feet,khadija smile look at yourself talking you sound like a girl,

No i don't...

Yes you do,,it's only girls that use that line of being sweap off their feet.

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