chapter 20

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❣opppsite do attract❣

Deejat thani
Khadijat sani gana

*chapter 20*

Khalil got up to go meet his mum first,he drove in a haste the chief security  had to run away after opening the gate.....

He got out and didn't even close the door...



Mum,,,hjy suwaiba come running from the kitchen were she's supervising the cook's..

Hey young man why are you calling me like a loose dog...

Khalil that is going back and forth in the room walk to her,,mum where is haruna and moses i was told you know of where they are..

Suwaiba shake her head wait who are those

Mum i don't want to play games here where are the guards i put to watch and take princess to school where did you take them to...

See ibrahim khalil sadau am your mother don't come and be acussing me of everything that goes wrong in this house,,am i suppose to be looking over the guards too now....

Mum the fact that you are my mum is why am asking you,if not we will be saying something else  now tell me why you sease them from going to take her to school today....

Suwaiba smile at her son well maybe it's because they are my guards and not her's that's why i have the right to take them away....

Mum i need someone to keep a watch on princess when am not there anymore,,wait son this girl we are talking about is mature and a grown up she doesn't need a babysitter,if she does she wouldn't have gone to school on her own..

She laugh come to think of it she has been going to school on her own since....

No mum we have been going together,,he went closer to her mum bring haruna and moses back or i swear i will terminate my appointment and go back to taking care of her myself...

She open her eye wide,you must be joking khalil....

He smile walking away mum am sorry to do this but by tomorrow if they are not back to their duty i will leave my job because i don't really have the use for it,she talk me to going to work and if she will not be safe while i do that he turn and smile at his mum i will just quite the job to look after her he turn and leave with her calling after him...

Hjy suwaiba yell darm it....

The cook came running madam are you okay we heard you shouting...

Hjy suwaiba smile no am not maybe you should call the mad people house and tell them your boss is crazy,now will you get back to your duty post stupid fool amebo.

They all ran back,regretting why they came in,in the first place.

she sat down on one of the chair smiling uhmm khadijat you sure have a great effect on khalil,,,

But why,she sit back holding her head then she smile something most be up,yes i know khalil is very over protective of that slut but i can see something in his eye since he came in....what could that be she keep thinking for a while before she laugh,fear!!!! Yes it's fear khalil is scared of something and if leaving her alone is going to put her in danger then i guess i should findout why, she smirk it will be of important to me,she got up picking her phone....

Hello salaha....yes hajiya i was about calling you..

Suwaiba sigh i think we have got a way to take out Khadijat in the picture,but i can't do it alone you should come over...

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