chapter 25

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❣opposite do attract❣

Deejat thani
Khadijat sani gana

*chapter 25*

Guy barshi haka you are going to kill him,haris told a blind khalil who is too focus on renting all his rage on maher....

The rest stood there watch because they all feel he deserve it.  .

Rukky turn her back disappointed on her cousin act,she's piti him but he should learn that his wrong in this...

Just as haris was about to hold him they just saw them lifting him off maher,,,

Let go of me,i will not let this guy leave here untill he tell me where to find princess,dad turn khalil towards him hold him firm son look at me,he hold his face to his khalil sigh seeing his dad,,,,dad nod at him it's okay you already beating him to a pulp that he can't even move...

Khalil look towards him and saw the police men carry Maher out,with the look of his face he look horrible and if he doesn't see a doctor he might loose his eye and faint as well because his breathing isn't normal..

He look back to his dad,,then a crying rukky who haris is consoling the police men pick his traveling bag and head out,,,remaining dad his guards and the dps...

Sir we are heading to the hospital after his been taking care of we will interrogate him,i will personally do that,Alhj sadau nod okay dsp...

Which hospital is it dsp,i need to be there,infact that guy doesn't deserve any medical treatment for his doings are just that of an ungreatful dog..

Khalil you have to be calm if not we will not get to know where she is...

Khalil sigh again dsp i think where ever princess is they might be thinking of leaving the country seeing that maher is also about to do that...

Dsp smile don't worry khalil our units are all at the airport and the port where ever you think of that someone can leave the country it's seal no escape for them...

Now let's go hear what the other guy has to say,he tap khalil and went out...

The guys followed after him dad smile at his son,khalil i don't think you should be there wait for us at khadijat's place eat maybe and wait for my signal...

He stare at his dad like his speaking another language...

Seriously dad you expect me to leave the safety of princess to a bunch of people because and angry,,he shake his head am sorrry dad but we are on this together am not leaving an inch away till she's in my harms he shake his head dad do you by any chance know how i feel he look at his feet dad am so scared to admit it before but now i can't i think i believe you all that yes i feel for princess more of friends or siblings,,,he rise his head looking at his father,dad i love her now i know he close his eye am so sorry princess it took you being missing before i realize that,,dad what if he succeed in taking her away i can't bear losing her or leaving without her he clean his face off the tear that drop...

Alhj sadau smile he hold his son's shoulder son don't worry we will surely find her now let's get out of hear you need to pray before he wakes up to talk..

He nod and went out,alhj sadau smile,yaro yaro ne he went out entered his car where his guards awaits him...

Khalil entered his too and haris who waited for him unlike the rest who are gone...

Haris look at his friend then back at the road..

Khalil sigh haris you look like you have something to say what is it???

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