chapter 15

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❣opposite do attract❣

Deejat thani
Khadijat sani gana

*chapter 15*

Khadijat close the door and smile at haruna thank you,he nod smiling at her if you don't mind ma'am please may i say something khadija nod smiling for him to feel free to say what he wants too,please madam no matter what is happening don't forget God is in control of everything and when i say everything i mean that so please always stick to your truth it will sure show you the light,she nod smiling thank you haruna you are kind i will sure do as you advice he smile thanks ma'am lemme go before hjy start looking for the cars.....

Khadijat turn to the house with a weak body and soul she felt a string of tear falling from her face which she has been holding back for long,she rush inside only wishing she could see herself in her room but her wish wasn't granted because as she was entering the house she bomb into mama who just finished praying when she heard the engine of a car stop she thought it's her husband and she's rushing to go welcome him only to see her daughter crying something she hardly see because she knows her daughter is strong who before she let anyone see her tears it most be a very huge issue so she waited for her by the door...

Khadijat rise her head and saw the last person she wants to see her crying but again she's glad she did,,she fall into her mother's embrace and crash totally...

Subhanalillah khadijat!!! baby girl what went wrong?is something wrong with khalil,or did you too fight??khadijat couldn't answer rather she burst out more in tears holding her chest..

Mama try rising her up but she couldn't,,khadija please tell me what is wrong you know i can't take your tears it's breaking my heart...she heard her mum's voice cracking she feel disappointed in herself for making her mum cry...

So she got a little strength and rise up to talk,,mama hold her face wiping the tears,,baby what happen..

She hold her chest mama  closing her eye"ummee na"my mum i don't think i can continue again...

Shhh don't say that you will babygirl and what is making you say that my khadijat is a strong icon..

Khadijat smile mama not anymore she clutch to her chest more mama notice so she look her,what is it baby???

Mama it hurts my chest it hurts so much,,mama got confuse and scared she try holding Khadijat but feel her slowly going numb before mama could catch her she's already laying flat on the ground breathless but still holding tight to her chest...mama shouted holding her to her embrace...

Khadijat!!!she shake her babygirl please wake up what happened,,,she shake her but khadija is not responding.mama did what she could only do which is shout for help.....

Luckily for them dad is just coming back they didn't hear his horn so he came to open the gate himself only to hear his wifes shout for help he run inside to see why only to see his beloved daughter laying on the ground with his wife miserably holding her tight to her body....

He rush to them he collect his daughter from mama and head out with her running after them crying nonstop..

Mama entered the back sit putting khadija on her lap,,dad opened the door reversing the car in 360 mode making some people look at them knowing his not that kind of person.his neighbor sigh subhanalillah Alhj sani isn't in his right sense i hope all is good..the rest of the people answer with i hope so too.

Dad didn't stop anywhere but at gwagwalada hospital he comes out and rush inside only to come back with some nurses pushing a bed,they retrieve khadijat from the car and rush inside with her.

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