chapter 18

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❣opposite do attract❣

Deejat thani
Khadijat sani gana

*chapter 18*

Am fine thank yhu duffer.....he sigh feeling ashamed,am sorry princess i just don't like the way that doctor looks at you...

How does he look like me if not like his patient,beside anas is friendly and nice she said with a smile on her face remembering his encounter with her friends...

Khalil snap his hands on her face bringing her back to reality,hey how are you feeling now,am good duffer he nod okay he grab her hand looking her in the face princess what lead to your attack,duffer it's just a sudden sickness beside i have been having chest pain since that issue about you and that guy's attempt on my life alot have been on my mind that's why....but princess she smile please duffer trust me that is just the reason,she smile at him or do you think i have another reason at mind,,he quickly shake his head no dear nothing i just thought you are not letting me in again and that's why am telling you again today and now that you will always be my princess i will always be with you in any shit like always,,,babygirl no one he smile i repeat no one is going to take your place in my heart khadijat nod thank you duffer.

Mama came in smiling,her smile grow wider when she saw khalil,,son when did you arrive?

He stood up to greet her not long ma,ohh i thought i saw doctor Anas here that's why i came rushing,i want to ask him if i can run her a bath,she keep a bag she come in with lemme go see him or the nurses..

Khalil got up no mama lemme go,i also need to talk to him about something,khadija stare at khalil but didn't say anything because if its the khalil she knows he's going to chase Anas away like he does everyman that wants to come close to her,,before she use to think his just protecting her but with what's happening now she's certain his just bring selfish,she sigh bringing mama's attention to her...

Hey baby girl why are you keeping in deep breath are you sure you are okay or should i call the doctor,,ma am smile she smile really mama am good am just thinking of ya hauwa she's no where to be seen..

Oh hauwa travel yesterday she call to inform me after you left for your dinner she excorted her husband for a semina,she wanted to drop the kids but i said no....

Khadijat laugh seeing how mama's face look gross talking about it..

Why are you laughing you silly girl take it easy with your health she hand khadija a cup of tea with the pepper soup she made for her..

Mama why didn't you help ya hauwa and her husband have another honeymoon i will have been very happy to see those kids,Amir is all grown up now talk more of my little mama....

"Badani ba" khadija everyone should babysit their children i can't be any grandchild's nanny...

Khadijat choke on her food laughing at mama every time is like this with her whenever ya hauwa talk of bringing does stubborn children of her's especially amir..

Baby mind yourself and eat peacefully i don't want us to stay longer here so keep quite and eat lemme pray magrib before i help you do urs.

She nod answering mama,enjoying her food but thinking what's going on in the doctor office.

Yes come in,,,khalil entered seeing Anas on some files..

Anas smile hey khalil i thought we have greeted.

Khalil smile even when anas words hurt his pride he still manage to smile,ohh did we i thought we didn't but making pleasantries is not why am here he sat down opposite the doctor,i just came here to ask how long you intend in keeping princess because if she can go home i want to take her already and get a nurse to follow us till she's fully healed.

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