chapter 23

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❣opppsite do attract❣

Deejat thani
Khadijat sani gana

*chapter 23*

Habiba got nervous and start shivering,ughmm actually she.....she sigh after telling him all she knows..

Haris tap him guy calm down for all we know maybe it's traffic that is keeping her hold,,khalil throw a dagger eye at him they both know it's a lie..

Faruq stare at the girls who all look scared hey its..before he finish talking khalil phone starts ringing he look up at them with an expression only the boys understand haris nod at him pick it man but be calm...

He slide the call picking it   the only thing he first heard is the person on the other side laughing,,khalil put the phone on speaker all of them heard the laughter,khalil close his eye then opened it full of rage rukky got scared seeing him like that for the first time his eye is all  reddish,you son of a bitch what have you done.

M laugh ohh ibrahim khalil sadau is that a way to greet a course mate after years of not seeing or hearing from him,M i don't have time for all that do you have what am looking for..

Mubarak smirk ohh khalil you sure know how to spoil a fun time always even when i was about to get a taste of khadijat oppps sorry i mean princess you came in the way and stopped the fun now again that i have her here with me you want to spoil our little reunion...he burst out laughing.

You bastard!!! don't you dare touch her if not,he close his eye because of the grip haris has on his hand.M sigh ohh khalil you know even if it's not today i will sure get her but luckily for me i did today i will have my revenge on the both of you for runining in my life...

You dare not......tst tst tst khalil don't complete what you want to if you don't want me to start having my fun with her now,,ohh wait let me send you something just for your confirmation,he hang up the phone before khalil could say something...

No!!!!!! Khalil yell hitting his leg with his car,faruq hold him hey guy now is not the time for all that since we know who has her let's just go tell dad and get started...

Hey guys what on earth is happening,who is m and what did you and deeja did to piss him off like this? Rukky asked in one sentence.

Khalil shake his head about to explain when he heard the message,he immediately open it with all of them rounding up on his phone,,it's a picture of khadijat without veil all her hair scattered she is all tied up and on conscious,khalil got mute seeing her in such state haris collect the phone vooming the picture...

Habeeba and teema are already crying,rukky sigh okay what does this guy want with her faruq start explaining to her while khalil shake his head i can't stand here doing nothing he collect his phone dialing dad's number...

Hello son how are you he got princess he just send me a picture of her, he finally kidnap her,inalillahi wa ina ilaihi rajiu how comes son i thought you had her surrounded with guards,,dad he told him everything they told him dad sigh khalil calm down call detective to meet us at her parents i will bring the police with me okay dad please come fast am sigh son you don't have to say i know don't worry insha Allah she will be fine,okay dad thanks..they hang up khalil told them what dad said,haris ride with him while the girls with faruq...

Dad start closing the files on his desk,,his personal security comes in sir i have made the call,they will meet us their,Alhj sadau nod okay let's get going....

The door to his office opened with His deputy minal's dad coming in,your excellency are you going out??

Alhj nod yes Alhassan i have an family emergency,,Alhassan nod but sir you need to sign the contract of the road construction along minna road you know the president has his attention fixed there now and you said today you will sort it out so the worked can start immediately,Alhj sadau palm his face ohh my God,can we leave that issue tomorrow i can't concentrate now because i have alot going on,,,musa sigh sir let me go check the parameter before you come out,Alhj nod minal dad nod.

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