chapter 26

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❣opposite do attract❣

Deejat thani
Khadijat sani gana

*chapter 26*

M slap one of his man....

Sorry sir we couldn't get the visa the airport is surrounded with police men,we had to hide so we could reach here...

M growl puffing a hand full of cigarette,,he look at the guy with a red eye,,where is sam???

He stayed outside to check the parameter for any suspected activity...

M nod fine if that should be the case we need to be out of here,am sure something is wrong if maher is not caught then they are just making sure we didn't leave because of her,,,,he growl loudly uhmmm that guy is seriously getting on my nerves you know what go check the girl am going to deal with khalil once and for all he is being a headache...

Okay sir the guy went to check on khadijat while mubarak pick his phone he dialed maher's number....

They both look at each other both the mother and the son,as the police comes in holding his phone that is ringing....

His dad that is still standing since not saying a word went closer to the police...

They went closer to maher's bed,i think the suspect is calling you probably to check if you are successful in the airport,maher nod so now i want you to talk to him calmly and normally like you always do okay,maher nod his dad sigh, for once in your life do something and make me proud,his mother touch him you can do this son.

He nod,picking the call hey man wassup am about to switch off my phone for our flight,can i call you later when i land..

M sigh ohh okay am just trying to check if you boarded because police are trying to be a problem..

Oh why what happened??

Nothing to worry about maher since you are safe i guess my thought is just that fool causing an alarm but am about to take care of him now...

Maher stare at his dad and mum who are all listening because the phone is on speaker mode...

What are you going to do to him...

What else but eliminate him i don't care of my promise not to touch him because he is being a headache for long now,  take care i will call you tomorrow,,,

Maher nod okay take care m see you when you arrive,m nod hanging up the phone.

He threw the remaining cigarette and head out staring at the surrounding he heard noise from the side but can't figure out what it is because the place is dark,he immediately brought out his gun head to the noise to know  what's happening.....

Hey who's there?? He didn't get a reply so he grip the gun more..

Sam is that you???

Khalil who is holding sam by the neck with his gun aimed at his waist,,whisper to him now am going to let you go remember what i said to you sam nod with a bloodshed face khalil broke sam's hand while fighting him.

M it's me,hope you remember by cause it will be a shame if you don't,

M heard khalil's voice and started walking backward trying to go back to secure the door where khadijat is..

Son of a bitch how could i forget you,i was actually going to meet you but it's  so nice you are hear i get to kill you in peace....

Khalil laugh pushing sam  towards the light with him behind him,,mubarak how do you expect me to allow you kill me when i haven't gotten what i came here for,,he look around getting familiar with the place.

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