Justin's POV

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OK. I can't believe I have reached over 4 thousand reads. I started this book in November! This was my first successful book on wattpad, so as a way of giving back, I've decided to make a BOOK TRAILER!!! Enjoy! Also, if you're new to my stories, welcome & thank you so much! Love you guys.
It's : https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=8LZSLPd7w-s
Thanks so much!

The audience groaned.
"I'm sorry Justin, looks like you'll be heading home," said the host.
Great. I was on my way to a great singing career as but it crashed down all in front of me. I didn't want to cry, I just had anger swell up in my throat like a knot.

I had just lost the first round of Star Search. At least I had landed the job, because it took a lot of mailed auditions to make it. I was beat by some stupid girl who came from New York. She had stupid curls and everything about her was stupid. I didn't say it to her face, though.

I shook her sweaty hand. I was so angry with my loss, I had forgotten her name. It's not like it mattered.
After I stepped off the stage, my mom was in the green room waiting for me.

"Sorry, Justin, at least you tried. But I have a surprise for you."
"What is it?"
"Well it's a surprise, silly. But you might wanna check it out now."
She held out a poster that had a picture of the Mickey Mouse Club emblem.
Does your child love to act, dance, and sing? This is the job for them! Auditions for the All New Mickey Mouse Club on Disney Channel range from ages 11 to 16. They are open call auditions, no manager needed. Show us what you got! Auditions @ 9:00 AM, MGM Studios, Orlando.
"I'm going to audition for a TV show?" I was so ecstatic that the previous happenings bothered me the slightest.
"Yes, they are across town tomorrow so we need a good night's rest, or we're going back to Tennessee. Justin, this is a serious step in your career. You need to take it seriously."

"Yes, mama," I was pumped for the audition!

I could barely rest due to the excitement, and in the morning, I raced out to the car before my mother could change her mind.
We entered the lobby at MGM Studios to sign in.
"What is your full name, miss?" The secretary asked the girl in front of me.
"Britney Jean Spears," she replied.
She scrawled her name on the list.
"Next, what is your name, sir?"
"Justin Randall Timberlake."
Britney was so hot. She had long blonde hair and bangs. Her eyes sparkled. I didn't even know her, but I liked her so much. I probably was never going to see her again, but the butterflies in my stomach raged on even when she talked. What if she liked me back? Nah. I'm ugly. I had curly hair and a stupid last name. No one can be famous with a last name like Timberlake. That's why I went by Justin Randall on Star Search.
"After you've signed in, please proceed in waiting for your number to be called."said one of the managers.
After auditioning, we were told to practice lines for the acting part. I was behind Britney in line during the singing audition, and I heard her sing. Her voice was pretty powerful and I was impressed. Maybe she was the perfect girl, but I wasn't good enough for her. She never talked to me once. We did make eye contact once, and it was amazing. I was too nervous to say anything to her though.
We ate lunch at a long table while we practiced our lines.
Britney and two guys named TJ and Ryan sat next to me.

"Hi I'm Ryan and I'm from Canada!" He said. He was very enthusiastic about that.
"I'm TJ, and I'm from Utah, what's your name?" TJ introduced himself.
"I'm Justin and I'm from Tennessee, but don't ask me my last name because you will not be impressed." I panicked.
Who even says that?
Way to go, Justin.
Britney laughed.
"What is it?" She asked.
"Errr Timberlake.." I said quietly.
"That's a unique last name. I like it!" She said.
This time, she looked me in the eyes and smiled. It was a genuine smile and I smirked back.
"I'm Britney and I'm from Louisiana." She introduced herself.
"Justin why don't you tell us about yourself?" Ryan asked with an annoying grin on his face.
"I don't have anything to say. I guess I'm 11 and I'm in 6th grade but that's it."
"Me too!" Said all three in unison.
"Do you think you're going to make the audition?" TJ asked us.
"Probably not, considering I just lost Star Search." I replied.
"I might not even if I get the part. My mom has a job in Canada and can't lose it to come to the states unless I have a roommate or something." Ryan said.
"I don't know. And Justin, I was on Star Search too! But I lost." Britney stated.
"Cool! I mean I'm sorry! Whatever, but yeah. Good luck on this!" I usually was very outgoing, but when it came to Britney, she had me so crazy in love that I couldn't even manage to spit out the correct wording.
After we delivered our lines-which I surprisingly nailed- it was time to figure out whether we had made the cut.
"We are sorry, but some of the people who auditioned today didn't fit who we were looking for. But there are some others who stood out to us and will be asked to be a Mouseketeer on The All New Mickey Mouse Club! So if I call your name, congrats! You've got talent! If we do not call your name, continue to follow your dreams and someday you might just make it! The right door will open for you when the time comes." Said the director.

The list didn't get me half as nervous than when Britney talked to me. Thankfully, all of our names were read off the list. That meant: We are on the show!
Britney and I looked each other in the eyes.
"Great job! You totally deserve it! See you at rehearsal!" She smiled so beautifully I could've died from happiness.
I was on my way to stardom! Filming started next month!

Justin And Britney: The Beginnings (COMPLETE!!) |#Wattys2015|Where stories live. Discover now