Chapter 64

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Harry's POV

"I-I'm fine" 

Laura stuttered as she pulls away from my touch, I furrow my brow as my heart sinks. She looked upset and my anger became too strong as I slammed my fork down on the table. I get up storming after Gemma who had run off a few moments prior.

I was confused as to why she was being so rude. I knew we all grew up with Taylor but she shouldn't be treating Laura with so much disrespect, Gemma adored Laura... or so I thought.

I go to the first place I could think of which was Gemma's room upstairs. I push the door open harshly. Gemma has her arms crossed when I entered.

"What the fuck was that Gemma?!"

I yell moving as close to her as I possibly can.

"Get out Harry"

She rolls her eyes, my blood starts to boil.

"No! You don't sit there and disrespect me and Laura! Whatever happens with my life is my business! You should be on my side!"

I scream, of all things I thought Gemma would be happy for me.

"I don't like how you used Taylor! You were going to marry her! You were in love with her and then you just dump her all of a sudden? Was this your plan all along?!"

"Of course not! It was never going to work with us! She's too different from me. We aren't compatible, I was unhappy in that relationship. Laura makes me happy! I love her not Taylor"

We were at each other's throats most of our life, were siblings. it's what we do, but this, on the other hand, was far from a small quarrel.

"Well, I think you're just being stupid... you just want someone young to fuck around with. You're always gonna be that playboy you were when we were teenagers. Laura doesn't even know what love is, she's naive."

I blink at Gemma with disbelief, this was way more complex than I thought. I have no idea where her anger came from but this wasn't the end of it. I'm sure my face was red as I felt my heart rate pulsating with anger.

"Don't you ever fucking talk about her like that! You disgust me, how dare you!"

I was really up in her face now, I was so angry my spit was spraying everywhere as I scream. Gemma smug smirk was getting to me.

The door opens suddenly, Gemma and I look over and see my mum's angry face.

"This is ending now! The amount of embarrassment I feel right now is unspeakable. Gemma, I don't know why your so angry but you will never make my guest feel that way ever again! She was crying her eyes out because of you! Both of you better figure out your differences and makeup! Nobody needs this"

My mummy screams but all I could focus on was her comment about Laura crying. After such a good night she was finally looking like herself again but of course, my dumb ass sister had to ruin it.

"Where is she?"

I ask moving over to my mum so I didn't do anything harmful to Gemma.

"She's upset and needs some alone time, leave her be."

She avoided my eyes and I huff out in annoyance, That was the last thing Laura needed. I move aside trying to get to the door despite my mother's protests. I make my way downstairs and look in the many rooms to try and find Laura. After sweeping through the whole downstairs I Open the back door, making my way to the poolside where the cabana is.

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