Chapter 79

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Laura's POV

"When are they coming?"

Liams voice plays out as I silently look around the regular restaurant we go to every Friday night. We had been waiting for Harry and Sarah to finish the surgery. it was finally a good weekend where both me and Harry are off.

"Not sure, but they said they're finishing up a surgery."

I finally look to Liam giving him a small smile as my fingers brush against the menu. I haven't seen Harry since Monday due to him being out of town for some other surgeries. He only came back yesterday but by then it was pretty late.

"Well ill have you know the cafe is doing better than ever and we might be able to expand our store"

Liam beams taking a sip of the water the waiter gave to us while we wait.

"That's amazing! I am so happy things are good I feel like Eleanor would be proud of us"

I pick at my nails feeling the goosebumps from talking about Eleanor form on my skin. I don't feel pain anymore but I still miss her.

"She would be... especially with you Bambi"

He winked making my chest filled with warmth as I look down in embarrassment.

"Speaking of which look who it is"

I could hear the smirk in his voice but I could focus because as I turn my head abruptly I meet eyes with Harry and my lips turn upward instantly as happiness fills my body. My heart was racing as he looked at me with so much happiness.

"Hey, baby!"

He beams brightly as he slides his body into the booth. He was wearing a simple white button-down that brought out the deep color of his skin. Paired with his signature black slacks, looking absolutely stunning.


just when I thought my smile couldn't get any bigger my face stretched more as I felt sparks flying through my body. He slid his big hand around my waist sitting as close as he possibly can, leaving a hot burning sensation where his hand laid.

suddenly he leaned down to meet my lips as he pecks them gently before looking my body up and down seductively.

"God I missed you"

He said deeply staring into my eyes as I find myself wrapping my arm around his torso.

"I missed you too"

I pout leaning my forehead onto his. I feel Liam and Sarah stare as I forgot we were in a public place having dinner.

I could smell his overwhelming pine scent as I let in a deep breath. I missed it so much as I spent my nights this week cuddling some of the jackets I stole from him.

"Hi, Sarah!"

I feel my cheeks heat up as she smirks at me and Harry.

"Well hello, How are you?"

She says with amusement as I slightly pull away from Harry leaning my head on his shoulder while he strokes my side.

"I'm good and you? How did the surgery go?"

I ask feeling my stomach growl from the lack of food I ate today.

"good, it was just a simple pacemaker placement surgery so it went pretty well."

I nod my head sipping some water as my throat felt dry.

"That's good, seems like yesterday when I had one"

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