Chapter 82

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Laura's POV
Night of the gala... 

It's was finally Friday and the long-awaited night of the gala the Styles family hosts. To say I was a little stressed was an understatement. The whole week Harry and Anne have been doing last-minute plans for the gala to make sure everything was perfect.

I had offered to help in any way but Harry reassured me it was alright.

The whole morning we've been prepping ourselves for the special occasion with facials and well-needed massages.

By the time 5 rolled around Harry's stylist had shown up and had both mine and Harry's outfits prepared.

"Laura your dress is here!"

Harry yelled from the living room as one of the many hairstylists that were here was finishing up my hair. She had chosen a simple look with extenuated curls. My front part was pinned behind my ears to avoid it being everywhere and I loved it in every way.

"Okay! I'm almost done!"

I yell back looking at myself in the mirror. I had already finished my makeup and I have never felt so pretty in my life.

I had gone for a simple look but with a dramatic wing that made my eyes pop. More so the makeup artist did it but I showed her my dress and she explained that she should be the main star of the show tonight.

"You are all done babe, you look absolutely gorgeous!"

Kimberly says with a bright smile as she sprays the last bit of hairspray throughout my hair.

"Thank you so much I love it!"

I hush moving my body up off the chair as I admire her masterpiece in the bathroom mirror.

"Your welcome babe you will kill it tonight"

She winks as I embrace her into a hug. I move next to the bedroom seeing Harry already half-naked and to say I was drooling was an understatement.

His suit was simple at first but his pants had a red dragon imprinted into his legs that made the suit look very incredible.

As he looks up at me he suddenly freezes as my eyes look at his toned abs.

"Damn princess"

He mumbles, princess was a new pet name he has given me over the past week that I've really grown to love like the others. He first said it when I was going for my second fitting for my dress.

I blush as he continues to stare at me. He was now placing his black silk button-down on while I step up next to Karla who was adjusting some fragments from my dress that seemed off or out of place.

It was a fairly simple and elegant dress that showed a bit more skin than I was expecting but I didn't really mind.

The gala was supposed to be exotic and carefree with attire as the styles really were fashion icons in the eyes of the media.

I hopefully would be owning up to my role of being Harry's fashionable girlfriend and not to embarrass his whole family.

"Hello, Laura! I hope you're ready to slay the day"

Karla chuckled as I begin to strip down.

I give her a smile before noticing Harry's wandering eyes and throw him a wink.

"I know this might be uncomfortable for you but you can't wear anything underneath"

She explained thoroughly and my heart begins to race.

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