Chapter 69

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Laura's POV  

The rest of our Malibu trip was spent walking on the beach and having long talks. We went to a couple of hot spots that Harry knew about. The time spent here was great and I really feel connected to Harry more. I had a few moments were I had to breakdown because of Eleanor but he was there for me.

"I miss her"

I say looking out to the ocean, the sun was setting once again after our very long day of hanging out and making out. We were engrossed in each other's arms as Harry started a fire. It had gotten really chilly after a while.

"I know you do, she's in a better place now."

He says stroking my sides gently. I look at the colorful sky and see a singular star shining brightly. I couldn't help but smile, somehow I knew Eleanor was looking down at me right now. 

"Yeah, she is..."

"Ready love?"

Harry asked as my thoughts were interrupted. We had packed this morning after finding my clothes outside and washing them, along with all my dirty used clothes. We were heading back today and I couldn't help but feel a little down. I don't know what would happen now. We will return to our normal life's and deep down I felt like it will be hard.

Our schedules are very different, I barely see Sarah as is. I let out a breath before smiling at him.


We head out the door after locking all the doors and turning all the lights off. We head to his car and pack all the luggage which was mainly mine into the trunk. After that, we were getting into the car before taking off.


When we got back after blaring old Katy Perry songs he dropped me off at my apartment first

"So I'll see you next Friday?"

He says with a smirk looking at me fondly as I look back at him.

"What time?"

I ask and he furrows his brows.

"I'll text you, my schedule changes a lot I might get stuck in surgery or something"

He chuckles as I lean in for a kiss on the cheek. His eyes brighten as I pull away and I couldn't help but feel lost as I got out of the car to grab my bags.

I turn around as I walk up to my door and wave at him one last time before he was speeding off.

I sigh before unlocking my apartment and entering it slowly. It felt good to be home but I had such a great time in Malibu.

I turn on the lights before walking into my bedroom. I set all my stuff down and began unpacking. I was always the type of person to have everything perfectly clean. I blame it on the disgusting house I lived in as a child, nothing but garbage was everywhere, my mother never cleaned. The kitchen dishes would be stacked In piles and I had to wash my own clothes by hand.

Ever since then I made it a goal of mine to never live like that ever again.

I had forgotten I washed my sheets before I left so I walk to the washing room after hanging all my clothes back. I open the dryer and pull out my sheets. They smelled of fresh detergent.

I make my bed and make sure all the corners and sides are straight and even. Eventually, I finish straightening up after unpacking and walk back into the living room pulling out my phone. I see a bunch of texts from the boys and Sarah and decide to call Niall.

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