Chapter 27

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Laura's POV

When I wake up the next morning, the hospital bed was empty and I feel my heart sink. Harry had slept with me and to say I was freaking out the whole time was an understatement. The scent of pine lingered next to me and I breathe it in sighing in relief. He smelled like Christmas and that alone made my heart flutter.  

When I look around the room it was still dark outside, the clock read 6:45 am.

Nobody was in the room and I was left in pure silence. I yawn and stretch placing myself in a sitting position. I was still wearing the clothes from yesterday along with my socks. 

That's right, last night my chest was hurting and I called Harry. 

He actually came to my house to help me. As I internally scream the light from the hallway becomes very prominent due to the opening of the door. When I look over Harry came through smiling slightly as he quietly shut the door. 

"Sorry did I wake you, love?"

He asked and I nodded my head no.  

"No, I just woke up"

I reply as he sits next to me looking very tired and stressed. I notice his beanie was off and his curls seemed to be in his usual neat mess. He was still wearing the clothes from last night and I feel myself look into his eyes. 

They were a dull green almost like the sea on a stormy day. He observed me quietly and I pat the spot next to me. He brings himself more onto the bed so we were sitting side by side. I lean into him and he wraps his arms around my waist. 

"Thank you for everything last night I know I was a lot to deal with" 

I whisper laying my head on his shoulder. He rubs my side softly and hums kissing my temple. 

"your welcome Laura, I told you I would help anytime"

He says and I lift my head to look at him. I stare at his lips pulling my hand up to stroke a curl out of his face. He smiles at me making butterflies swarm my stomach. I feel a surge of confidence and I lean in to kiss his cheek. 

I half expect him to push me away but he doesn't. We never really talked about that night fully and I'm still not really sure where we stand at the moment. 

"You never told me what happened that day when your father came in."

I blurt out and Harry gives me a look. 

"How did you know that was my father?"

He asked avoiding the question. 

"Sarah told me" 

I say and he sighs

"He told me I wasn't allowed to see you and I could be fired"

He says sternly avoiding my gaze and I feel an immense amount of guilt settle in my stomach. I pull my knees to my chest laying my head down, frowning. 


I say unsure what to really talk about and Harry looks at me. 

"That's why that night I was being an asshole, I was more afraid of losing you as a patient then I was of losing you as a whole. I don't trust anyone for your case I'm afraid they'll ruin something and you'll be gone." 

He confesses and I look at him with my heart clenching.   


I whimper pulling him into a hug squeezing him for dear life. 

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