Chapter 39

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Third-person POV

It was inevitable, Harry knew this. He knew the consequences of this relationship, yet he couldn't stop himself from avoiding it. It was going to happen sooner or later.

"What happened?!"

He screamed slamming the door open. Kendall was frantically injecting various things into Laura. Sarah runs in behind Harry, out of breath.

"I don't know I tried waking her up for her tests and she won't wake up. I think her heart is dying... Her brain must not be getting enough oxygen due to her CHF."

She says and Harry goes into shock. His mind goes completely blank. Sarah gasped looking at Laura's limp body. They both knew this would happen but they were not prepared for it. Harry desperately Shakes Laura, Kendall looks over at him.

"Laura?...wake up...Laura?! LAURA!"

He yells doing anything and everything to wake her up, but she didn't even flinch.

"Harry stop!... She's in a coma I need you to call UNOS right away she needs a heart as soon as possible if she wants to survive the night."

She exclaims and Harry looks to her with tears in his eyes. Kendall sympathizes with him slightly seeing the distress on his face. She then looks over to Sarah seeing she was no different.

"Look I know she is important to you two but I'm gonna need you to get a grip. She is in the most critical stage right now and I really need to call UNOS, will you be able to monitor her? or do I need to call another doctor?"

She says sternly, She wanted to help Harry out but as Doctors, they really needed to snap out of it.

Harry knew it too, so he shut his emotions off best he could and walked over hooking her up to the ventilator. Sarah was numb and walked to Kendall.

"I'll call them"

She whispers and Kendall nods her head giving her Laura's chart. Harry stays silent as Sarah calls them from the corner of the room. All he could think about was Her smile yesterday night. Possibly the best night of his life last night, And she was perfectly fine. He felt sick to his stomach as he thinks about what could happen.

Kendall looks at Harry silently.

"It will be okay H"

She says and Harry nods his head. All they could do was wait...

Harry's POV

One hour passed... UNOS was currently trying their hardest to find a heart. Laura wasn't getting enough oxygen to her brain leading her to go into a coma. It was her heart's fault, It was barely pumping properly. I was forced to sit here and do nothing.

My heart was heavy every time I looked at her. i  haven't even stopped by once today, The day was filled with various patients. Sarah sat next to me, She was the quietest I've ever seen her be.

Kendall took over for me, I couldn't leave Laura.

"Do you think she'll be okay?"

Sarah croaked finally. I furrow my brows in frustration.

"I don't know"

I reply with a broken voice. There were only two ways this could end, She could get a new heart and survive through the night, or Her heart will slowly stop.

Sarah sniffles and I feel my heart start to break.

Sarah's POV

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