Chapter 65

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Laura's POV

"Wanna go to Malibu?"

The words don't process in my brain as I look at Harry with a confused look.

"Malibu? Today?"

I mumble furrowing my brows. I mean going to Malibu really sounded great but where exactly would we go? I don't even know my own plans. Harry looks and me longingly and I knew he really wanted this.

"Yeah, let's get away from all this stress. Have a nice little break. Our family has a house down there"

He states and I ponder for a few moments. I really wasn't sure about this... I mean I felt comfortable going and all but something told me to slow down. Harry seemed to catch onto my thoughts and let out a small huff.

"Never mind, forget it"

He says getting up abruptly before heading towards the door. My heart breaks at his disappointment and I run after him.

"Harry wait!"

I yell grabbing his arm, turning him. I was breathing hard as I hold onto him for dear life afraid he would run away. I know it was my fault for making him upset today but it hurts when he becomes so cold.

"Please wait..."

I whisper moving my hands to his cheeks, he looked down at me with a scowl and I feel overwhelming moisture in my eyes.

"I can't take it when your this mad at me"

I whimper and he breaks his annoyed glare contorting his face into one with pain. His arms reach to my sides, pulling me closer.

"I'm not mad... I just... want us to be fine, everything has been so stressful this past week and I want to run away. Everyone keeps giving me shit for breaking off my engagement, your unhappy because of it, so all I want it to go to Malibu for a few days and relax."

He confesses and my heart nearly stops. I look at him kindly and squeeze his arms. He was right... how could a couple of days in Malibu go wrong?

"So then let's go, let's run away"

I smile leaning into a kiss, feeling his soft lips press against mine. It was short and sweet but yet everything we both needed at the moment. Harry's eyes were beginning to light up again.

"You really mean it? I don't want you uncomfortable"

He says but I hold my hand out.

"I'm fine it's just really sudden, I couldn't process what you were asking me."

I laugh and he smiles down at me.

"I'll go anywhere, as long as it's with you"

I admit, turning bright red as he brings me into a hug. My heart was racing in excitement as I think of all the things we could do.

"Well let's go then"

He grins pulling my hand. I pull away and he frowns but only because I had to grab the coffee Niall made us. I hand him his and he raises a brow.

"When did you do that?"

He says and I giggle.

"Before I came over, Niall made them."

I reply and we hold hands making our way out of the cafe. He takes a sip before humming in satisfaction.

"It's very good"

He mumbles as I take a sip of mine. It tasted of hazelnut. Calming and deep. I sigh feeling the warm liquid run down my throat.

We walk to Harry's car and detach our hands. I get into the passenger side while he goes to the driver's side. I pull my seatbelt on after placing my cup in the holder.

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