Chapter 46

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Third-person POV

December 15th...

It had been a couple of days since Harry and Laura cleared the air somewhat on their relationship. They still had many things left unsaid but slowly they were growing the bond they once had. Harry, Sarah, and Laura all started hanging out together during their lunch breaks whenever they could.

It all reminded them of the good old days whenever they would hangout. They equally missed it between the three.

Laura was to busy to join them for lunch today but Harry and Sarah decided to go to the cafe to see her anyway.

"So um my mum is throwing her annual Christmas party on Christmas eve and your invited, you can bring Liam aswell."

Harry said as they sit in their usual spot near the window. Sarah looks up at him and smiles.

"Oh, how fun! I'll definitely be going"

She replies and Harry nods his head.

"Um, I know its a lot to ask but can Laura maybe come? She doesn't really have anyone to spend it with and i would feel bad for leaving her out"

She asked and Harry gives her a look of uncertainty. Of course, he would love to invite her but he didn't know how that would work because Taylor was gonna be there and he still hasn't told his Mother the full story about Laura.

Before he could reply Laura walks up smiling brightly with two menus and a pair of utensils.


She beams hugging the pair as she walked up.


Sarah smiles and Harry looks at her.

"Hello love"

He mumbles seeing that she was wearing her usual work uniform. A white button-down, along with a pair of silk black pants. Of course, she had her apron on aswell.

She blushes handing them both a menu, even though she has their order memorized by heart now.

"What can I get you guys to drink?"

She asks sweetly observing Harry mainly.

"I'll have water with lemon"

Harry says.

"I'll do sweet tea"

Sarak comments and Laura smiles.

"Okay I'll be right back"

As she walks off Harry looks lower than he should've and Sarh smacks the table. 

"Ah ah ah Mr flirt eyes up"

She smirks and Harry rolls his eyes.

"You're delusional."

He says looking over the menu. Sarah drops the tease and becomes serious again.

"It is your party so if you're really not comfortable inviting her that's totally fine."

Sarah says and Harry looks up feeling guilty for even thinking of not inviting Laura.

"No, it's okay, I just don't want her to be uncomfortable."

He replies honestly and Sarah feels for him right now.

Laura returns with their drinks and accidentally touches hands with Harry making her almost drop the drink.

"So how is your day?"

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