Chapter 15

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Harry's POV

I remember the day perfectly, It was a slow Monday evening. I had just finished up all my scheduled surgeries for the day and I was finishing up a meeting with the residents when it became chaotic in seconds. My pager went off and I immediately grab Sarah and rushed to the ER.

When I got there I was guided to the outside lot where the ambulance was on its way.

"enlighten me"

I say in a rushed tone as Sarah and I were pulling our gloves on. It was a 911 page so I assumed a possible heart attack maybe even a simple misunderstanding. It could be anything at this point, I've seen it all.

Emanuel, the head nurse of the ER was standing beside me holding a chart.

"20-year patient crashed and collapsed at work doesn't seem to be awake or aware of what happened the ambulance is about 2 minutes out"

He told me in a serious tone, He wrote a few things down as he told me and I wonder what the hell I was called for, then again such a young patient was rare, to say the least.

I could hear the faint sound of the sirens in the distance and I mentally prepare myself for what's to come.

after years of working as a surgeon, you mentally prepare for anything because it only takes a second for something to go wrong.

As I see the bright red and white lights pull in I rush to the back as the door slammed open. The EMT's rush out holding the gurney with the patient. She looked pale but I felt my heart flutter a bit as I admire her face. She looked young but she was breathtaking.

I run alongside then into the ER snapping out of my thoughts because I needed to focus.

"20-year-old patient was working and suddenly collapsed she hit her head on the counter which knocked her out cold and she hasn't woken up yet."

one of the young EMT has said with a serious tone.

as he finished speaking I see the slightest movement with the patient, her hands twitched a little bit, and then her eyes begin to slightly open.

as we were hooking her up to the machines she was completely out of it. Her eyes moving all over the room to try and decider what was going on. She lets the faintest groan out, probably of pain. Her hands try to pry the object off of her.

"what's her name?"

I asked the EMT while I shine a light in her eyes checking her pupils. She would most likely be needing a head CT after such a harsh fall.

"Laura, her name they said was Laura Rose"

he said as we lifted her onto the bed, off the gurney.

"Laura? can you hear me I'm Dr. Styles you seemed to hit your head can you talk?"

she didn't seem to be aware of what was happening but then she opened her mouth and a small whimper came out. she starts moving her hands around trying to grab something I grab her tiny hand into mine gently.

"it's alright, you're in a hospital getting taken care of. you hit you head pretty hard love"

I say in a soft tone to try and calm her down but I didn't think she heard me as her breathing starts to increase and her stats start to drop fast.

"shit Sarah shes dropping!"

I shout as I fill a syringe with the right dosage and stick it into her arm. But the room suddenly filled up with beeping as I look up I see her heart has completely stopped. I knew I had only a few moments to act quickly, if I mess up only slightly, I could kill her.

Pulse || Harry StylesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora