Chapter 59

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Laura's POV

Day 3...

Today was the day... 

Amanda was letting me go home on the promise that I will come by every week for a session. I agreed to feel the need to really mope in the comfort of my home. I still felt guilty and upset over what happened last night. I was thankful for Louis looking out for me but I think he was a little harsh on Harry.

"I would like you to take these... they're a certain type of antidepressant that will improve your overall mood. They target the bad chemicals in your brain."

Amanda was explaining as I gather all my belongings. A small orange bottle of pills was being placed beside me on the table and I look at them warily.

"What if I don't want to take them?"

I ask and she frowns.

"Laura I really suggest you take them... of course if you don't want to I'm not forcing you but it would make your life a lot easier through this rough patch."

I nod my head taking the bottle.

"When should I visit you?"

I ask and she smiles.

"I'm usually available on Mondays around 11:30 how does that sound?"

She said sweetly and I was managing a fake smile back.

"Yeah that will work"

I reply throwing my bag over my shoulder. Amanda was giving me a look and I raise my eyebrow.

"Harry and Sarah wanted to see you before you go... I didn't know if you wanted to see them."

She says and I pick at my nails. I really wanted to check on Harry as much as I wanted to avoid him right now and I have missed Sarah. Besides the guilt of last night really persuaded me to see them.

"I don't know maybe just for a little?"

I say unsure and Amanda was smiling.

"Don't worry they are in surgery so I'll take you up to the gallery and it will be quick and sweet."


I felt really anxious as we made our way to the first floor. Somehow Amanda managed to get me through, even though I wasn't allowed anywhere near the O.R.

It was a strange feeling being here. The walls were darker and filled with different types of manuals and procedures. Mostly everyone was in their scrub caps and scrub suits, probably going into surgery.

Amanda greeted everyone and we made our way into a small boxed room that had red seats looking down over the O.R. Room below. Nobody else was in the gallery and I spot Harry's Green Bay packers scrub hat almost immediately. Sarah's scrub hat was covered in flowers.

"Can we maybe watch for a little"

I ask without thinking and Amanda gives me a wide-eyed look.

"Of course, whatever you want"

I place myself in front looking down at the many people in the room. Amanda sits next to me and I look at the patient who was on the table.

"Do you know what procedure they are doing?"

I ask as I set my bag down.

"I believe they are performing an angioplasty."

I turn my head in curious out as I watch Harry and Sarah move a long thin tube through the patient.

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