Chapter 6

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  Laura's POV:

  It has been a couple of days since I found out I had CHF and Sarah and Dr. Styles were being good at distracting me from it. They would always visit on their lunch break and talk with me but of course, they couldn't distract me forever because I had gotten a hold of my phone and I must have spent hours doing research about CHF. The most chilling was that I had about a 50% chance of surviving in the next 5 years. 

    When I found out I was in shock the whole day I refused to eat or take my medication. Harry had found out and came to talk with me. We talked for what felt like hours on end. He told me he had put me on the heart transplant list but it might be a while before I get a new heart. He also explained all the other procedures I can go through in case my condition gets worse. he explained every possible detail about CHF to me and answered all my questions. He listened to all my stress rants and dealt with my uncontrollable crying.    

    Honestly, he was so perfect because he sat and listened and dealt with my bullshit for hours. even Sarah will try and comfort me whenever she can. she'll always try and talk about her surgeries and day to distract me she also dances and sings to me even though she's not the best at either, but she does it to make me laugh.  She caught on my little secret crush for Harry and I felt so embarrassed when she first found out. my face was so red the whole day and I begged her not to say a thing to him. She would answer all my questions about him and tell me what he's like even though she teased me every time I asked.

My connection to them grew day by day.


  after another a week and a half, things have been going great but recently I can't sleep and I've been feeling ill here and then. Sarah noticed and so did Harry they told me these were normal symptoms of CHF especially since I have stage 3. 

   Sarah and Dr. Styles had been getting really busy lately and didn't have much time to spend with me. It has been pretty lonely and I found myself missing them, they were there whenever I needed them but I should have known this would happen sooner or later. I can't expect them to drop everything for me and I can't expect them to not have other patients to deal with.  I try to watch television or read magazines and books to pass the time but it was very boring. 

  Finally late this evening they both burst through the door looking very drained. Sarah was still wearing her scrub hat hinting that they just came out of surgery. They had both slumped in the chairs by my bed and sighed when they sat down. 

despite their exhaustion, they asked how my day was and I said it was good even though I felt very down today. both look at me catching onto my lie and continues to pester me until I told them how I really felt. I finally gave up and told them all my fears and worries I've been having about CHF and how I had felt very down and alone because they have been busy. They listened and both moved closer and held my hand and talked with me about the problem. Harry and Sarah apologized about not being with me more and I apologized saying I felt bad because I know they have other responsibilities and they were probably had a stressful surgery and I bombarded them with my problems once again.

They assured me I was fine but I never really liked putting my problems on people because I had a lot of them. They told me that they enjoyed time with me and they had missed me as much as I had missed them and my heart felt such joy hearing them say that. 

  We all caught up with each other and we talked for a while before Sarah had fallen asleep in her chair. I could tell Harry wasn't too far from falling asleep either.  I told him he could fall asleep but he told me he'd stay up until I was asleep. My heart fluttered when he said that and I lay down to fall asleep. Harry turned off all the lights, leaving the door open.


I hear him whisper before I fall into a deep sleep

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