Chapter 54

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Wow, all I can say is Harry is the most talented human being on this earth... The album is amazing. Fine line and Cherry are my favorites right now... what's yours? I hope you enjoy this chapter!

with love,


Laura's POV

When I was 7 my dad left my mother because he couldn't handle taking care of a child. My mother blamed me for it and constantly treated me like I was a piece of garbage.

It wasn't until I was 12 when I found out he had gotten killed by gang members in which he picked a fight with.

My mother really started to destroy herself then... she changed from weed to cocaine, then cocaine to heroin.

Many days she would leave me alone to fend for myself, and sometimes not even return for a couple of days.

I had to learn quickly how to take care of myself because nobody was doing it for me.

When I was 16 I came home to my mother as pale as a ghost in her bedroom. There was a needle sticking out of her arm and it was the first time I have seen a dead body. Her face is glued into my mind as the horrors of her death haunt me.

Even then I couldn't help but cry and beg for her to come back, even after all she has done to treat me like shit. I didn't want to be alone, my whole life I was mostly alone. Loneliness was a darkness that built inside of me and I could never find the light.

That is until I met Eleanor...

I needed to find a job quickly so I could pay for my own food and clothing. I had seen a flyer around town saying that the 'beach wood cafe' needed a waitress/ barista. I implicitly applied and when I went into my interview, Eleanor treated me kindly and hired me on the spot.

I never told her about my hardships, until one day after a year of working there when I showed up breaking down because I was being kicked out of foster care. I wasn't a minor anymore so I had to fend for myself. She instantly helped me plan out my budgeting and even gave me a raise so I could afford a small apartment nearby.

She was there for whenever I needed to talk or figure Something out. I never had my mother or father love me or care for me but Eleanor gave me a chance and I will always be thankful for her.



I say completely going into shock. Niall was frantic through the phone as I hear many different voices in the background. Harry was looking at me worriedly but I couldn't even focus.

"She just kept complaining about chest pains and then it really got bad and she collapsed so I called 911 and they are taking her to the hospital now."

He rambles and I feel panicked tears coming out of my eyes.

Harry's pager was suddenly going off and I instantly knew it was for Eleanor.

"It's Eleanor, please take me to the hospital"

I whimper and Harry immediately nods his head and I plant myself back onto the passenger's side.

"I'm h-headed there now"

I tell Niall

"Okay I'll see you then"

He rushed and I hang up pulling my head into my hands. My head felt heavy and numb as many thoughts of what could happen to play through my mind. I sob uncontrollably as Harry speeds down the road.

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