Chapter 78

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Harry's POV 

I walk into the apartment after spending the day cooling off. I had woke up in a bad mood, knowing my hangover was partially to blame. Sleepless nights were frequent as Laura doesn't come home until late and even then she collapses instantly.

It was no excuse for the way I treated her this morning.

She deserved better than that and I never wanted my work to get in the way of our relationship as my Fathers did.

It was my biggest fear.

I saw how much pain my mum went through going through her divorce.

I made it a goal of mine for that to never happen and yet here I was feeling sorry for myself because I let my feelings get the best of me.

The look on Laura's face last night and this morning haunted me.

It reminded me of the time when she found out I was engaged after abandoning her.

Nothing could make me feel any worse as I walk into the empty apartment seeing all the groceries she bought for us.

Most of my favorite snacks were stocked up and my heart really skips a beat.

When I make it to the bedroom I still see no sign of her.

I do notice the small box on the bed along with a note.

I furrow my brows in confusion before reading it.

'Happy anniversary Harry, I love you more than you know. I'll be at you mothers tonight, try not to drink a whole bottle of whiskey. 🖤


Laura Rose

My heart completely breaks as I look at the date on my phone realizing she was completely right.

Four months... four months and I couldn't even remember.

"No no no"

I say to myself feelings of guilt and remorse overwhelm my brain.

I pick up the small box and open it slowly. The first thing that draws my eyes to it was the bright green color. I quickly realize it's the cross I saw a few weeks ago while we were shopping downtown.


I whisper feeling the tears fill my eyes.

She made me weak, she made me so vulnerable to feelings. Anyone else I would be stern, strong, void of emotion.

I try calling her several times as well as my mum but they weren't answering.

It was already 9 pm and I figured they were either asleep or pissed off at me.

Or both...

Laura was the type of person who needed space after a fight... she sometimes wanted affection but very little.

I knew better than to go find her right now. She probably didn't want to see me.

I place the necklace on loving it even more. She always knew what to get me... always listening.


I continue to beat myself up about it before finally trying to get some sleep.

The thing is, I couldn't sleep. I was torn, broken, utterly guilty. I wanted nothing but to make things right.

I knew she was probably killing herself over what I did.

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