Chapter 36

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Third-person POV

February 1st...

Today was a very special day, It was Harry's birthday. Yet he treated it as if it was just a normal day. He was turning 28 this year and he felt as if it wasn't needed, a celebration of course. He avoided his calls from his mother and father along with everyone else. He got up extra early this morning to get the hospital before anyone could knock on his door. He was currently scrubbing in for a Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery. Harry let Sarah join in and she was eyeing him suspiciously. 

"What is it, Sarah?"

he rolls his eyes as He scrubs the soap all over his hands. she stumbles looking away grabbing at the soap as well. 

"Nothing I'm just surprised you're here today"

Harry shoots her an annoyed look. 

"Oh yeah and whys that?"

He teases and she rinses her hands off. Harry drys his hands and makes his way into the O.R. as he placed his gloves on Sarah enters following suit. 

"I mean it is your-"

"It's my Saturday, Yes it's my Saturday... nothing about it so if you could focus Evans that would be very much appreciated."

He says sternly and Sarah looks at him smiling. He was even more annoyed now. 

"If you say anything about this to Laura so help me-"

"Don't worry Dr. Styles your secret is safe with me"

Sarah chuckles cutting him off. Harry feels his eyebrow twitch and Sarah is beaming. 

He didn't want Laura finding out because then she would feel bad that she didn't get him anything. 

He hated his birthday anyway, Wasnt that meaningful anymore. It was just a reminder of how old he was getting. 

After Harry successfully went through the surgery he made his way to Laura's room. When he entered she was sitting comfortably against her bed reading a book He had brought her about CHF. She had grown very curious and wanted to know everything about her condition. Laura looked up when she heard him enter. She gave him a small smile before he made his way over kissing her gently. 

"Goodmorning love"

He smiles and she tugs him down for one more peck. 


She squeaked and Harry collapsed in the chair next to her bed. He lets out a breath he didn't know he was holding. 

"You're here awfully early"

She claims and Harry looks over at the clock seeing it was 6:15 in the morning.

"I'm alway early, I am a doctor... you, on the other hand, are a regular person why are you up reading?"   

He teases grabbing the book from her hands noticing she was at the part where it explains the ending stage of CHF symptoms. 

"I couldn't sleep, a very common symptom in my case"

She remarks and Harry hands her the book back. 

"You know love you have my number I could sing you to sleep"

He laughed and Laura rolls her eyes. 

"I'm pretty sure you were passed out because I did call you"

She smirks knowingly and Harry's face falls. He pulled out his phone and noticed the missed call. He looks at her sympathetically but she holds her hand up before he could feel sorry.

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