Chapter 42

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Laura's POV

Nothing could inevitably prepare me for this moment. I was so happy with Sarah, I didn't realize the familiar smell of pine filled my nose. We were currently in the middle of the Hospital on the second balcony bridge.

Maybe I was going crazy, It was December it could be to anything from a candle to just a simple perfume. But I couldn't stop the movement of my eyes as Sarah laughs. I turn my head and I meet with emerald eyes. 

My breath was immediately taken from my body. My eyes widen and I feel Sarah go silent beside me. I couldn't form words or even move my body. I blink multiple times to make sure I wasn't having deja vu. 

I am overcome with Too many emotions as He looks at me with the same look in his eyes. The world seems to stop as We stand there staring at each other.  I cover my mouth as tears fill my eyes. My legs move before my mind could tell me not to. He rushes over, scooping me up from my waist. 


I cried, holding onto him for dear life. My whole body was trembling, I couldn't even imagine this would happen. 

Harry tucked his head into my neck and sobbed. 

"No... No"

He choked. I weep in his arms feeling all the built-up emotions from the past few months escape my body. 

"H-how are you? Oh My God, you're awake!" 

Harry rambles pulling my face into his hands. His hair was now grown out so it was to his shoulders but it still had his signature curls. He looked memorizing, to say the least. His features were more sharp and defined. 

I place my hands on his arms noticing the difference in size from 2 years ago. They felt more firm and muscular. 

As I admire him all over, someone clears their throat and Sarah was standing next to a girl with blonde hair. She was pretty as I see her very bright blue eyes. Red was coated on her lips, And she wore jeans along with a deep maroon sweater. 

Sarah looked like she was going to kill Harry and I was suddenly pulled back into reality. 

"Um sorry to interrupt the reunion but Harry we really must get going if you wanna make it to our lunch reservation."  

She squeaked and I push myself away from Harry. 


"Sorry, how rude of me! I'm Taylor... Harry's fiance"

I come back down to reality as she holds her left hand out to me. I notice the shiny ring on her ring finger and my heart drops. This wasn't supposed to happen... 

My body is in shock as I stare at the ring. 

Sarah sighs and Glares harshly at Harry. I suddenly can't breathe. 

 I gasp for breath and everyone looks at me worried. Harry tries to grab me but Sarah intervenes shoving Harry aside before he could touch me. 

"Hey its alright calm down breathe"

She says and I whimper. I felt the panic set in, I wanted nothing but to disappear.

"Get me out of here"  

I gasp and she takes no time and Grabs my hand running off. I couldn't stop the tears from streaming down my face. Harry tries to shout my name but Sarah places me into the nearest room slamming it shut. When she locks it I hear Harry on the other side trying to get in. 

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