Chapter 60

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Laura's POV 

Day 6...

It had been a few days since I've been home and to say it was better was an understatement. I was isolated and comfortable.

I mainly spent my day trying to distract myself by cleaning or cooking but most days I end up staying in bed most of the day. I would only get up to get some water or go to the bathroom.

I had various missed called and texts from everyone but I never even glanced at them. Harry has knocked on my door a few times but I really haven't gotten over what happened.

Knock knock...

I pull my body up to check who it was, it was pretty late. I look through my peephole and gasp softly. Harry was standing at my front door looking restless and desperate.

I hold my breath not wanting to give away that I'm home. My whole body was trembling. I wanted to see him desperately but my mind was telling me to shut everyone out.

He knocked again and as I did before, I quietly move away, going back to my room silently.


The next day he knocked again, around the same time as yesterday. I was even more tempted to open it but I didn't.

"Laura I know you're there... please talk to me"

His voice was breaking and I could tell he might cry.

"I need you"

He adds and I feel his body sliding against the door. My heart aches and I find myself touching the door.

"I'm sorry"

I whisper, I knew he couldn't hear it but I needed to say it.

I sigh before making myself get out of bed. I look at the untouched bottle of pills and go to grab it. Before I could even touch it though there was a knock at my door.

I furrow my brows wondering why Harry was back again when he knows I won't answer the door.


I groan before getting up if this wasn't going to stop I might as well answer him once. I trudge to the door in my silk dark blue and white striped pajamas.

I don't even look before answering and was surprised to see a middle-aged man dressed in a black suit with a large leather briefcase. I blush in embarrassment as I was totally not expecting that.

"Um hello"

I say kindly at the man, he greets me with a smile. His hair was brown and he looked as if he were early thirties. I meet with deep chestnut brown eyes and I was curious to know why he was so dressed up.

"Hello I'm Nathan Shepard! I am a probate, otherwise, known as someone who looks over a persons will when they die."

He states and my mouth drops in shock.

"I was assigned to Eleanor when she first created her will. She has put you, And a few others on the list and I have divided the share of all her belongings."

Words couldn't seem to form as I stare blankly at him. Eleanor put me on her will?

"S-so What does this mean?"

I ask anxiously and he sighs.

"I just have a few documents and a letter of testamentary for you, they all discuss what goes to you and how much of her belongings are yours."

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