Chapter 72: The First and Second Letters

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Btw, sorry for making u worried yesterday, Fella's

Proofread by ConstellationDreams3

Proofread by ConstellationDreams3

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"Phi ..." called someone who had just been standing near them silently.

"What do you want, kid??" asked Type curtly.

"Let me take P'No home, Phi."

"No way. Are you....."

"Type ... Nong, please take him home. I'm sure, you already know where we live right? "

"Champ, what are you doing?" - Type

"Ai No, let him take you home. You two need to talk."

"I don't want to, Champ." - Techno

"Ai Champ!!!"

"Remember what we said earlier inside the locker room. We want our former Ai No to return and in my opinion, the only way to bring that Ai No is to resolve the problem between you two. Nong, this is the last chance from the three of us, so don't waste it."

"Thank you, Phi," Kengkla answered as he greeted him.

Without waiting long, Champ immediately pulled Type away. Techno who was not prepared for the current situation could only stand awkwardly, looking around except at the young man who slowly approached him.

"Phi, let me take you home."

"No need, I can go home riding Uber," said Techno, still avoiding Kengkla's eyes.

"You heard what P'Champ said, we need to talk. I need to talk to you, Phi."

"There's nothing to talk about anymore."

"Maybe you don't, but I do. I have a lot to talk with you. I swear, there are no more lies. You can do anything if I lie and I'll accept it. Give me one more chance. I beg of you, Phi. "



"Where is your car?" asked Techno as he walked past Kengkla, so he didn't notice Kengkla who smiled when he heard it. The first sincere smile since that incident.


"AI CHAMP!!!!!" shouted Type as he threw Champ's hand which held his hand tight.


"It's precisely because I know it, thats why I asked for it," Champ answered calmly.

"What do you mean??"

"Ai Type, we are indeed his best friends and we will do everything to protect him, but Ai No is no longer a child who must be protected all the time. He must dare to solve any of his problems, regardless of the outcome later. If the result is he either he lets Kengkla go, or even get back with him, all we need to do is support his decision. He just needs to know, whatever happens, we will always be by his side. We made a mistake by forcing him to let go Kengkla and to not solve their problem immediately that time, so now it is the time for us to correct that mistake. Let them talk. Hopefully after this, Techno will return to being the Techno we know."

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