Chapter 25: A Fucked Date

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Proofread by nandolouis


After Techno was finished, they immediately looked for food. Kengkla is a very handsome young man. Every girl who bumps into him will definitely glance and sometimes see for the second time. But this time it's different. The girls also glanced at Techno. It was aggravated by several men who also glanced at Techno. Techno seems to be turning out to be a very different person, so is his aura. Kengkla almost pulled Techno to go home, not willing to share the looks of his sweetheart with anyone.

Techno, who was unaware of his changes, thought that he was still an ugly and unattractive man. He thought everyone who looked at him was amazed by the junior's good looks beside him. He did not bother at all, because from the beginning Techno also recognized the good looks of Kengkla.

"P'Noooo ......."

There was someone's call when Techno and Kengkla entered a sushi restaurant. You could guess, it was Can's shrill voice.

"Can !!! What are you doing here ????," said Techno cheerfully.

"I'm counting the cars that are passing, Phi," he answered.

"Huh? How can cars through here, Can? You are so stupid," Techno answered confusedly.

"Phi, a fool shouldn't insult other fools !!" Can grunted.

"You're the fool one, Can. I'm your captain, so I'm definitely smarter than you" Techno defended himself.

"Phi, you are the football captain, not the captain of the physics Olympics."

"If I'm good at physics, I won't play football, Can !!"

Tin and Kengkla can only roll their eyes at the absurd conversation of their lovers.

"Whatever you say, Phi."

"Eh, how come the albino monkey gave up arguing with me? Usually, you won't stop before I hit you."

"Dare to hit Can, you have to face me," Tin threatened.

"Dare you do anything with P'No, you will face me," Kengkla threatened Tin.

The atmosphere that had been warm immediately felt suffocating. Tin and Kengkla exchanged glances, none of them wanted to budge.

"Nong, let's eat at the table over there. Can, I'll go there. Bye ...," said Techno while pulling Kengkla's arm. He doesn't want the bloodshed to happen in the restaurant.

Kengkla has no choice but to follow Techno. Tin's eyes are still following Kengkla's back.

"Ai Tin ... aaaa ... aaaaaa ......" called Can while feeding Tin. Tin's anger disappeared instantly and he opened his mouth to receive the sushi that Can gave.


Kengkla's face was still looked good when they've arrived at the table selected by Techno, near the glass. Today should be a fun day because Kengkla can come with P'No, but it's all messed up. From the shrewd capster, people were amazed at the P'No, the familiarity of P'No and the fastidious little guy and finally that little boy boyfriend who threatened P'No in front of him.

"What do you want to order, Nong?" Asked Techno breaking the silence.

"Same like your order, Phi."


After the Techno finished ordering, he realized the change in Kengkla's face.

"Nong Kla, what happened? Why your face looks upset?"

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