Chapter 14 : Kengkla's Pain

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"What do you want to drink, Nong Kla?" Asked Techno shortly after they entered the house.

"Anything, Phi. But something cold woud be nice. I want something fresh," he replied, sitting on the living room couch.

"Okay. Wait a minute." - Techno

Soon, Techno brought a glass of cold orange juice and gave it to Kengkla.

"Nong Kla, you can rest for a while here. I want to take a shower first. My body feels sticky." - Techno

"Ah, I also want to take a shower, Phi." - Kengkla

"Hhmm ... Then you can take a shower first. I'll prepare clothes for you." - Techno

Techno with his innocence (or stupidity?) handed over his towel to Kengkla. He really didn't understand Kengkla's hidden intentions just now.

"No, Phi, I'm joking. I'm lazy to take a bath at night. After all, my body doesn't smell, does it Phi? Try to smell it, Phi?," Kla said as he leaned closer to Techno.

"Yeah, you don't smell. In fact, you still smell nice. Okay then, I take a shower first. Wait a minute, don't go anywhere." - Techno

Damn P'No !!!!!!

Kengkla can only swear in his heart. P'No's insensitivity is really on the verge of impropriety. He casually smelled Kengkla's body, not knowing that Kengkla's heart almost jumped out of its place. If P'No could hear his heartbeat, he would be annoyed by its loud noise.

Kengkla is tired, mentally and physically. Tonight feels heavier than the night before. Too much is disturbing his mind. P'No's refusal and silence made everything worse. Shortly after Techno left, Kengkla fell asleep on the soft sofa.


Techno POV

I found Kengkla sleeping on the sofa. His sleeping face looks much more handsome than his daily face. His soft snores indicate that he is really fell asleep. This is the first time I've ever seen Kengkla's face up close. The skin on his face is very smooth, his nose is sharp, his eyebrows are thick, his lips are thin but his lower lip is a little thick. It is not unusual for the girls to kneel before him. But why does he like me ?? There is nothing special about me.

I feel there are similarities between AePete, TinCan and us. Pete, Tin and Kla are children of super rich people. Whereas I, Ae and Can are just ordinary people. Very ordinary you can say. But I can see the excesses of Ae and Can. Ae is not handsome and he is short, but he is very good at fighting and playing football. He's really good at protecting his friends. I think Type will appoint him as the successor to the his bodyguard role. I think that's what made Pete fall in love with him. Whoever saw Pete must have felt that he was someone who must be protected and Ae was the right person for him. While Can, behind his ignorance and greed, he is a very cute and pleasant child. If there is Can, the atmosphere is always cheerful. No boredom.

But me?? What is my excess? Even many girls rejected my proposals. They say I'm stupid, slow, insensitive and much more. It makes me to lazy to fall in love again. Is it true that Kengkla fell in love with me or just wanted me to be responsible because he lost his virginity that night? And I happen to be the person who snatched it? So, if I didn't take it that night, that person would be Kengkla's lover ???


Techno doesn't know whose brain he borrowed at this time to make him think like that. The thought bothered him a little. He doesn't know how to feel about this at this time. Relieved or disappointed.

When Techno was lost in thought, a small sob came from Kengkla's mouth. His eyebrows intertwined and tears came out from his still closed eyes.

"Ma ... Pa ... Don't leave Kla ... Ma ... Pa ... *sob* ... *sob* ...".

Kengkla cries in his sleep. The sobbing sound was getting louder and sounded heartbreaking. Initially, Techno just approached and wiped Kengkla's tears slowly, afraid to wake him up. But hearing the increasingly loud sobbing, Techno approached and hugged Kengkla's trembling body, still with his eyes closed.

"Sshhh ... sshhhh ... Don't be afraid, Phi is here, Nong Kla," Techno said as he rubbed Kengkla's back.

Slowly, the sobbing sound subsided. Kengkla's body no longer trembled as fast as before. Techno still hugged him and waited for Kengkla to fall asleep.

After Kengkla's soft snoring was heard again, Techno just released his arms. He stood up and went into his room to bring a blanket and immediately covered Kengkla. Techno also took a blanket for himself and he slept on the couch facing the sofa he was sleeping on. Techno has no heart to wake Kengkla or leave him alone here.


Kengkla woke up because he felt thirsty. But he was surprised to see a blanket on his body and P'No who fell asleep in a sitting position in front of him. Kengkla was moved and fell in love again with P'No. This small action convinced Kengkla not to give up on getting Techno. Kengkla not only loves him, but also needs him. P'No is a light for him. The light that had been lost since the divorce of his parents. The light that gave Kengkla long warmth which he longed for. Light that leads to happiness that is no longer pseudo.

Kengkla moved to sit next to Techno, admiring the beautiful creature in front of him. His skin is white like porcelain, a sharp nose and thick lips. Oh God, help me refrain from kissing those hot lips, Kengkla's prayed. P'No's thin and tall body looks frail from the outside. But everyone who knew P'No knew how strong this man was. He is pretty good at fighting, though it's rarely shown. He also has a strong run or push up as much as the punishment he gives to his team. But it's not that kind of strength that Kengkla meant. Rather the strengths how he bears all the burdens that are bestowed on him. He always tried his best to keep everything that was his responsibility, no matter how heavy it was. P'No has never been angry or complained if there were those who did not meet their expectations. He just laughed and gave enthusiasm to people who were down. He always looks strong in front of his football team. But Kengkla knows, sometimes he cries on P'Type and P'Champ's shoulders when he can't bear it. How at that time Kengkla wanted to pull him and ask him to cry on his shoulder, asking him to share the burden with him. But at that time Kengkla was not anyone for Techno. In fact, Techno didn't realize Kengkla existence at all.


I wondered, what if now I asked him to cry on my shoulder in order to reduce his burden, would he want to do it? Will he allow me to see the weaknesses he had only shown on P'Type and P'Champ ??? Can he accept me in his world? No need to ask me the same thing, because I have made P'No my world since we first met.

Since the first time he smiled sincerely at me. Since he stroked my head full of warmth. Since he made hot chocolate because it was raining while I'm heading to his house. Since he always asks "How are you, Nong? How is your day today", every time we meet. And I cant remember since when he always appears in my every dreams and hopes.

One thing I knows for sure, I will have P'No somehow. Nobody deserves to be his companion besides me. Nobody loves him as much as I love him. Never!!!!

I sat in a chair next to P'No. I pulled P'No's hand slowly and holds it, then I sailed to dreamland once more. One of my hopes came true, sleeping while holding my crush's hand. Hoping that the others will follow soon. I just needs to be patient while continuing to struggle to conquer P'No's heart.


Published : 14.01.19 ; 5.58pm

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